Treasure Map
Merry Christmas!
Imagine that Mom and Dad have given you a present this Christmas. Let’s unwrap it!
Look! It’s a treasure map, with an explanatory note.
The treasure map shows an island vaguely the shape of a human being. There’s an X at the top of the map with “You are here” written beside it.
An arrow points in the direction of another X in the middle of the map, where a heart has been inscribed, with “The treasure is here.” A dashed line connects the two.
What can it mean?
What does the explanation say? Let’s read it.
Child of our heart,
The X at the top of this map indicates the place where your awareness is now, vaguely at the top of the head.
The X in the middle of the map points to an aperture, or portal as you call them these days, two digits to the right of the breastbone. We’re asking you to take your attention from where it is now and place it on the heart.
Hindus call the heart aperture or portal the hridayam. As long as it’s closed, we say the heart is closed (not emotionally, but at a much deeper level). Once the hridayam is open, a torrent of higher-dimensional love flows.
And a heart opening is destined in your future.
All of us wish for your heart to open. Call it the treasure, pearl, or mustard seed. Call it the Self, Christ, or Atman, the very thing you’ve always been looking for is found in the space of the opened heart.
The heart door to the higher dimensions is always already available to you, regardless of race, religion, or beliefs.
Open that door and all your worries are instantly swept away. Higher-dimensional love will flow in a torrent and transform everything within you. You’ll be submerged in love, ego-dead, Self-alive.
In that tsunami, you’ll feel as if you’re drowning, for sure … and find what you’ve been looking for.
Welcome to the Fifth Dimension, child, whether to stay or just for a visit.
Now we leave you with this further note of explanation
Mom and Dad
The hridayam is the heart aperture or portal that remains closed, just as a camera lens is closed.
When the heart aperture opens, we’re said to have had a heart opening. The inner tsunami of love that flows swiftly through that space is wonderful! Beyond imagining.
Blessed with that inner tsunami, that torrent which floods the fields and makes the dikes (boundaries, borders) unnecessary, you’ll need for nothing else. And only want for more of it.
Do not confuse the heart with the heart chakra. It’s the heart you want to enter.
We’re not talking here about being “open-hearted,” as in the quality of “open-heartedness.” Many, many people are open-hearted, but very few have had a heart opening. They aren’t the same.
Many enlightened sages have a temporary heart opening after which the hridayam closes again. This always occurs until the last stage of Third-Dimensional enlightenment (Sahaja Samadhi) is reached.
That same permanent heart opening our Hindu children called moksha, mukti, liberation from life and death, or liberation from what you now know as the Third Dimension of physicality. (1) It’s what the Buddha called buddhahood (not arahantship).
To folks who remain in the Third Dimension, you “become” ascended masters.
Thank you, Mother! Thank you, Father!
I can add a word as well.
Archangel Michael told me that three things tipped the scale for my heart to open on March 13, 2015. It more or less closed again the next January.
The first was my passionate love for Kathleen, which apparently approached the level of transformative love; the second was that I cried out to have Mom and Dad open my heart; and the third was an exercise I’d like to describe to you.
That exercise is to draw up love from our heart on the in-breath and on the out-breath send it out to the world. This exercise, Michael said, primed the pump.
Once the hridayam opened, I was immersed in a torrent of love, which instantly swept everything impure and negative from me and left me in ecstacy. My friend overseas who had a heart opening during Linda’s Solstice Webinar was swept away by the alteration in his feelings.
Before that event, I’d never have guessed what true love, sacred love, higher-dimensional love was. It was … well, clearly, from another dimension.
I assert that everything good can be found in the space of the open hridayam – of the open heart. Oh, happy day that it should happen to you – and it will – and that yours should permanently remain open in Ascension.
Everyone here at the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, the Council of Love, joined by Tiara Kumara and Children of the Sun, Sue Lie and the Arcturians, and Sandra Walter and Creative Evolution, wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
After tomorrow, I’ll be on two week’s vacation, with encore posts every day for your reading enjoyment. Happy New Year!
(1) “When the waveless ocean of the external and the steady flame of the internal Nirvikalpa are realized as identical, the ultimate goal, Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, is said to have been reached.” (Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 88.)
“This is Self-realization, Mukti, or Sahaja Samadhi, the natural, effortless state.” (Ibid., 82-3.)
Sahaja Samadhi is usually the highest level of enlightenment that sages can be found to freely talk about. Probably because dimensionality wasn’t part of the conversation back then. It wasn’t until recently.