Kathleen has been recommending and emphasizing finding sacred purpose lately.
At this time of year, with the snow falling on the ground, my strings of cobalt-blue lights blazing in the background, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra playing Pachelbel, (1) I feel reflective. May I reflect?
Following on from Kathleen’s point that knowing our sacred purpose creates magic, let me test it out.
We all have several sacred purposes, evidently. All lightworkers share one in common and let me restrict my attention to that: We’re here to assist others to ascend.
Regarding our work as previously-ascended Starseeds, here for Ascension, some are wayshowers; some are gatekeepers; and some are pillars.
May I discuss the three divisions of labor?
The wayshowers are like Lisa Renee, Patricia Diane Cota Robles, Cynthia McKinney … the list is endless. I’m going to stop here, even though the names are racing up and wanting to be said. Look at the head of any lightworker organization.
They’re unafraid to be in a minority of One. They model enlightenment and stonewall determination.
The gatekeepers are the vast majority of lightworkers. They can be seen attending to the victim of an overdose on the Downtown Eastside, a mother, a good listener, a soldier standing on guard in a lonely outpost.
[Pachelbel’s Canon starts at 00:40.]
Their function is to open other people to the love/light that’s being beamed at all of us right now, which is causing our Ascension. What did Beinsa Douno call it? “The Waves of Fire.”
What does the Council of Love call it? “The Tsunami of Love,” in its inner not outer manifestation. (2) I called it a torrent of love that we experience when the heart opens.
It’s the Ascension Train. Get aboard. Get in the flow of love. What did you think Ascension would turn out to be?
Joy? Yes. Bliss? Yes. The Divine Qualities experienced in daily life in conscious awareness? Certainly. But above all else, Love.
I return to my reflection.
You could say that the gatekeeper’s function is to assist other people to make an informed choice about Ascension.
What’s an informed choice? That those who choose not to ascend do so only after having been fully informed of the opportunity that Ascension is.
Following up, at the tag end are the pillars, whose function it is to assist every last one who just woke up, had a change of heart, or “saw the light” onto the train before it leaves the station.
OK, Kathleen, I see the magic here. I’m realizing things that I didn’t see before, now that I’m operating from the context of – or in alignment with – my sacred purpose.

My apt. bathed in blue Xmas lights
Here are some.
Of course I’d be attracted to theories of racial superiority (social Darwinism) as an Historian. That fits.
Of course I’d spend eight years listening to stories of persecution as a refugee adjudicator on human-rights claims.
And of course I’d bear witness to all that happened in the Second World War and down through the ages.
All of this fits with the work I’m doing now or soon will be.
Pillars hold the rear, rounding up the stragglers and getting them on board before the train leaves the station.
Pillars accept almost any excuse for showing up late until the train rolls.
They combine the understanding and compassion of the first responder with the ability to make decisions.
Sometimes they show up as cheerleaders; sometimes as visionaries; always as communicators.
The Ascension Train can handle all comers. This is not an exclusive club. All abooooaaaard!
Lightworkers have been the stars and Starseeds of Ascension, the waiters at the banquet and – pardon my mixed metaphor but – the leaven in the loaf.
To all lightworkers at Christmastime, many thanks for what you do.
In the Downtown Eastside, in the home, in hospitals – you know who you are – you’re seen and loved.
Merry Christmas to all of you, the world’s ever-growing lightworker family.
(1) Lyric: “For this night, for this night, for this Merry Christmas night.”
(2) How can I explain what I mean by this? When my hridayam or heart aperture was closed, I could not feel or experience the inner tsunami of love; when my heart aperture opened, I could.
I don’t mean simply “feeling good” or “feeling romantic or parental love.” By “love,” I mean something head-and-shoulders beyond that in dimensionality, that can only be experienced when the hridayam opens.
The Mother has said that the next peak experience for the planet on our otherwise-gradual journey of Ascension will be a heart opening for all who are open to the love/light.