Written before hearing Jesus on the Winter Solstice 2017 Webinar.
I have a suspicion that a lot is being snuck into the picture of Ascension under the cover of Christmas festivity and good cheer.
What better time to amplify the vibrations than now?
Why do I say that? Because I feel ever more loving these days and it’s only partly traceable to Christmas. It’s certainly traceable to the festive mood that other people are in.
But there’s another part that is simply the love rising. And I don’t mean “love for.” I just mean “love.”
It’s that part I’m curious about.
If I were the divine planners, I’d be taking full advantage of the spike in happiness that happens at this time.
And in fact that fits with what Archangel Michael said in my last reading, which was that December would be very active.
Five-thousand indictments is pretty active. CIA Langley having been raided is pretty active. #MeToo is pretty active.
But none of that compares with the stirrings of love I feel. It’s always the inner events that command our attention – how we feel.
It’s a funny thing about love. We say we want universal love, as if that is a distant goal. But all real love is universal. It has to be shared with everyone. It cannot be corraled or restricted or it disappears. Poof. Where did it go?
If we truly feel Love … there. I capitalized it … if we truly feel this higher-dimensional, transformative love, it just glows off of us. We radiate it in all directions. People love to be around us.
It isn’t some deep mystical state. It’s our natural state of being.
In the messages we’ve been posting of Jesus lately, he keeps repeating this truth over and over. Love is who you are. Love is your essence. Love is your natural state.
But he isn’t pointing to what passes as love among us. To picture that, imagine a dehydrated pea. Then imagine it hydrated. That’s the difference between our love and That Love. The Mother’s energies of love that are rising even now will hydrate us.
Or imagine a balloon that hasn’t been blown up. It doesn’t fly. It can’t be batted around. But blow it up and it flies and can be played with. The love that is coming in right now will inflate us.
He’s pointing to an unbridled, lush, overflowing, redeeming revivifying love. When you taste it, you may not run down the street shouting “Eureka! I’ve found it!” but you’ll be equally ecstatic.
I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off after Christmas.