Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson is shown in a composite with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
I regard this as part of the well-functioning of a democracy: The Prime Minister is told that his Christmas vacation last year to the Aga Khan’s private Caribbean island violated the Conflict of Interest Act of the Canadian Parliament – and he apologizes and expresses his intention to clear all future family trips with the Ethics Commissioner.
So: No threats that he will have her removed or reduce the powers of the office. Personal responsibility for his mistake.
Ethics Watchdog’s Report Draws Blunt Conclusions About The Trudeau-Aga Khan Friendship
The PM disagrees with her assessment of the relationship.
Ryan Maloney, Huff Post, 12/20/2017
In an almost year-long investigation into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial trip to the Bahamas last December, the federal ethics commissioner was forced to confront the vexing question of what makes a true friend.
At least according to the Conflict of Interest Act.
With her report released Wednesday, Mary Dawson concluded that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Aga Khan, leader of spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims, are perhaps not as tight as Trudeau led on. It’s an assessment with which the prime minister, who has repeatedly called the Aga Khan a “close family friend,” disagrees.
Trudeau told reporters Wednesday that he fully accepts federal Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson‘s report showing he violated conflict rules when he vacationed with his family at the Aga Khan’s private island in Bells Cay last year and used his private helicopter to access the destination. An earlier trip his wife and children took to the same island in March 2016 similarly broke the rules.