with Christof Melchizedek, Tiara Kumara & Akasha Sananda (bios)
Final Session of 2017
Solstice Thursday, December 21
Podcast Preview ~ December 21 Session
Summary of the Particle Emergence
From about August of this year, an immense wave of energy swooped down to embrace the Earth and all humanity.
Coined as, the Particle Convergence, this cosmic influence has been initiating many important energetic shifts and far-ranging consequences for the spiritual evolution of our entire planet.
We are perceiving this action of convergence as a complete re-write of all non-serving planetary timelines, while initiating into momentum a firm close to the outdated system that we commonly call, ‘third dimension’.
It is also assisting to balance the highly polarized human nature, while providing a sustainable energetic platform for our collective shift into unity consciousness.
This powerful cyclic wave of cosmic influence is now lessening. We are recognizing the December 21 Solstice as the closing portal to this charged energetic frequency, and through a transmission event called, The Particle Emergence.
* The purpose of this transmission is to unite with the incoming energy as a way to amplify our personal fields.
* We are projecting our preferred golden timeline in the planetary Crystalline Grid while sustaining our influence upon the shift of mass consciousness into this reality field.
* This unique window continues to give us the opportunity to merge with our highest preferred reality and timeline.
Considering the closing of this energy coupled with the closing of the 2017 dateline, this is such a great time to set clear intentions and hold the energy of your soul purpose firmly in your consciousness.
For sure, this will give everyone a big boost into the new year passage.
Similar to our empowerment transmission in August, we are transmitting this session live from the Kings Chamber on the Solstice, December 21.
The Solstice Session of Empowerment
Live Transmission from the Great Pyramid
Together with our group of 30 spiritual initiates, we will be transmitting to you direct from the Giza Plateau in Egypt, known to be a major vortex portal and interstellar gateway.
It also serves as main nodal point and ‘central power station’ of the planetary Crystalline Grid system. It is from here that we will transmit to you from inside the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
This dedicated group of light servers is taking an active role to receive and encode the Particle Emergence and the entire energetic that it reflects. The two weeks prior to this transmission, we will be visiting several of the sacred temples along the Nile, culminating at the Great Pyramid.
Needless to say, we will be quite charged while coming to you through the planetary Crystalline Grid as a super amplified field of energy and channel for the Particle Emergence frequencies.
On behalf of our Egypt expedition team, we hope that you are inspired to join us this December solstice!