The Oneness Transmissions
Transmuting Hatred in the Mass Consciousness
Three Synchronized Transferences:
Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 8 pm
The rising planetary frequency and its advancing energetic architecture is synthesizing a new and highly transformative morphogenetic field into every aspect of our lives and world.
As a result, all that is operating out of integrity with the light of union is being highlighted and wholly exposed.
The dramatic, purgative outplay triggered by this exposure is divinely purposed to awaken humanity out of its forgetful slumber.
Our role as sacred activists, in this unique foundational focus, is to help bring stabilization to the field of human consciousness especially during its critical initiation of the ‘dark night’.
Through a neutralized stance and without taking sides, we humbly serve as a transitory bridge to help shift the collective consciousness into the emerging timeline of oneness.
Toppling over a Tipping Point
During our last two Oneness Transmissions, we focused our transmutative efforts on giving support to Humanity’s current phase of initiation called, the ‘dark night of the soul’.
Together with the realms of light, we initiated a great shift from the reflective realities of extreme suffering and victimization. Our primary objective this December is upon the transmutation of emotional hatred that is tenaciously imprinted within the emotional body of mass humanity.
This extremely polarized emotion is at an all-time high and getting even stronger, as if contained within a cancerous bubble that is now exploding with full force.
The growing divide between ‘sides’ has created a deeper chasm in our societies, bringing the ever-buckling duality grid of human consciousness toppling over a tipping point.
This precarious situation is the result of a massive purifying effect triggered by the potent incoming streams of cosmic light, and the continual rise in planetary frequency.
This evolutionary force is naturally catalyzing a grand purge of the divisive human mainframe.
Simultaneously, the strengthening crystalline grid is now so influential that its radiating light of ‘fusion and synthesis’ is empowering conscious unity to new levels of unprecedented magnitude.
This light of unity is inspiring the awakened ones to rise up and take part in a highly magnetic global Goodwill Movement, one that is silently getting stronger while far from the attention of mainstream media.
This brings to the fore the unwavering demand for highest transparency, accountability and integrity in our leaders, in our culture and in every aspect of our lives. Without these virtues in place, the inflated and highly hostile bubble of polarized emotion surely will burst and rain down its fiery havoc.
The hidden shadows are being lit up and all untruths exposed, triggering common people everywhere to rise up and demand change. The difference this time is… they are no longer taking ‘no’ for an answer. The playing field is being leveled for true equality to be realized.
Our collective shift into unified awareness, and perhaps our very survival as a species, now depends upon our willingness to embrace and transform the pervasive shadow of ‘the fear of other’, and its growing tentacles of divisive hatred.
This world crisis is an epidemic that is knocking on all of our doors, bringing us face to face with our judgments of those we have perceived as separate from ourselves.
Our Next Oneness Transmission
* During the Season of Love *
This December, we are riding on the waves of the season when the vibrations of love and generosity are at their all time highest.
Our transmission priorities include…
* To continue seeding the new consciousness grid with the templates of love and oneness, and through our own codes of accomplishment.
* To powerfully radiate the light of Divine Love to help stabilize the mass consciousness field and the building energy of emotional hatred.
* To initiate greater activation in humanity’s collective DNA by invoking and transmitting the trinity flame of Divine Love, Wisdom and Will, as God manifest within the heart of each and every soul.
Our transmission will be sent to and through the Crystalline Grid to reach the higher mental body of all humanity, etherically and telepathically.