By Nick Polizzi, The Sacred Science
As the winter solstice approaches, there is an ancient tradition that many of us still practice.
Many adults and children alike here in the States and around the world get into the holiday spirit by hauling a bushy evergreen tree into the living room, standing it up in a prominent location and decorating it with lights, miniature figurines and spiritual symbols.
What we don’t often realize is that the pine, spruce and fur tree are powerful native medicines that hold many gifts for our mind, body and spirit.
I was stringing up lights around our Christmas tree (a potted pine) yesterday when it dawned on me. Whoa, we’re actually honouring sacred tree medicine right in the middle of our house.
Our ancestors relied on the pine tree for its medicine, ceremony and sustenance – and many tribes still depend on it today. The remarkable healing properties of these resilient trees make them a staple to indigenous cultures from the Siberian steppes to the forests of North America and beyond.
These evergreen conifers hold much spiritual significance as well and can symbolize many things including longevity, peace, wisdom, and harmony with nature.
The Iroquois burned pine to dispel nightmares and placate spirits. Other tribes burn the wood of pine as incense, while still others use pine gum for protection against negative energies.