Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
The Sacred Gateway of December is upon us. Gatekeepers are opening on December 1st for an amplification wave December 3 -7. The Super Full Moon of December 3 (7:48amPT) will compliment our SUNday Unity Meditations; it peaks during our first unification at 8:11amPT. This is a huge month, one we have prepared for all year. High-Vibe Tribe, we are stepping into a new experience, exploring unknown territory yet again.
The Primary Christed Timelines support the emergence of collective creativity, expression of your Highest Self, and next-level embodiment through Wayshowers of Pure Light. The energies are transformative, and all of us must surrender to personal, global and cosmic revelation, while demonstrating the compassion of unconditional love.
This phase of revelation focuses on exposure; a new level of spiritual disclosure. These unique frequencies alter our consciousness to align with a brand-new level of the Ascension experience.
The High-Vibe Tribe focus remains on embodiment during this transformational passage. The Becoming phase has been somewhat surreal this year with the timeline activity, and now we embrace Divine Self-Realization as a collective. I AM confident that Lightworkers can endure the energies, however uncomfortable, which are triggering us to become the new HUman – now. The ability to experience a complete reconnection to Pure Source consciousness anchors absolute unconditional love into these lower realms.
The catalyst for Divine revelation is the Pure Photonic Light, which is a living consciousness. This Pure Living Light, combined with the influx of the Divine Cosmic Mother frequencies, continue to be anchored by those in service.
As always, a Sacred Gateway is not something that one watches or waits for. It invites your participation. The final Cosmic Trigger of 2017 (December 21st – 25th) comes after a period of very strong influxes. Some of you are experiencing the vertigo and disorientation of this initial wave since last week’s opening of this passage. That is expected to increase as the dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting light grows more intense. Hold your hearts dare-angels, we are stronger than we realize.
Utilizing the Pure Photonic Light Influence
December is ripe with opportunity for our Ascension. Multiple things are happening simultaneously; it is best to stay very present with yourself in order to experience the alchemical marriage of Presence. While we anticipate and create wonderful, the energies may be challenging and intense. Walking in both worlds is the multidimensional experience in this Now.
Some guidance for ease, grace and acceleration:
– Maintain the Higher Self/Cosmic Perspective, and demonstrate your Ascended Beingness in the Now.
– Meditate. Meditation in any form will allow the new light to register on your energy fields, cellular structures, DNA and consciousness. Commands and decrees assist with directing light, keeping grounded, balanced and centered. Prayer is beautiful as well, however meditation is key to receiving. All available Lightworkers, please join in the SUNday Unity Meditations to assist. High-level support is provided for embodiment; let us use these opportunities to connect and accelerate the Ascension.
– Stay on the path of the pure, organic Ascension. Codes are flowing through Solaris (SUN), Gaia, kingdoms and elementals which seek and find resonate structures in your body and fields. Earthing is nourishment for your transition to a new level of consciousness; honor it. Be in nature, get in the SUNlight, feel the Cosmic Oneness. Pure water, activated with intention and blessings, also carries the frequencies of these new codes. Anxieties and distortions from technology exposure can be relieved by stepping away from the screens – often.
– Express non-judgment regarding anything or anyone, even yourself. Heart-based communication, both verbal and written, amplifies peace and exposes the Higher perspective. The habitual impulse to complain, blame, or critique, even in jest, reveals our negative habits, insecurities and wounds. As the vibrational experiences divide further, many revelations will come to light. Remember it is our task as Lightworkers to demonstrate non-judgment, unconditional love, and the highest way to deal with revelation in general.
The High-Vibe Tribe makes revelation safe for those who choose to step forward into authenticity. As reactive judgements to revelations and disclosures present, the emotional triggering of this passage could easily be manipulated into limiting expression. Higher Light is pushing for truth and freedom of expression, and we must accept, forgive and embrace all fractals of Source. When we demonstrate an open-hearted perspective, we collectively heal faster, create solutions, and move on to the next creation.
– Forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, unconditional love and embracing the Creator Self are your keys to the highest brightest experience. Send love and blessings to those who lost their way (in your perspective). Judgment tends to destroy the sender; discernment shows wisdom.
– Take the Higher Timeline: Be the Presence in every situation and demonstrate Divine Neutrality of Love. Suggest solutions or choose silence. Be the Peace. As we open the Gateways to the higher experience, honor all that presents as part of the larger operation of the planetary rewrite.
– Stay flexible. During intense periods of change, we surrender rigidity about what reality is or is not, what we are capable of, what is unfolding, etc. Stay emotionally, mentally and physically flexible to support external change. This also greatly assists the crystalline DNA as it attempts to replicate throughout your cellular structure. If you are exhausted, rest.
Remember the experience of embodiment of the Christed/Crystalline/Unity state is a very different experience than everything which came before it. The sense of detachment, absolute presence in the Now, and the longing for the new to fully anchor is strong, and yet we sense the Presence of the unexpected. We are clear to collectively experience co-creating new realities with our Higher Levels.
The December experience takes us further into the timeless sensation of the Primary Christed timelines. Many are dedicated this level of service; it may take us further away from linear functions as the Pure Light level increases. Whatever it takes, whatever is in the highest interests of Ascension, Beloveds.
As bizarre and beautiful 2017 has been, it now reveals its Sacred purpose, and we walk through it together as One. Blessings for a wonderful Full Moon, and gratitude for adding your light to the SUNday Unity Meditations.
In Love, Light and Service,
“December: Embracing Our Divine Destiny,” by Sandra Walter, November 30, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution