We are here addressing you once again with our acknowledgment and encouragement. We continue to sponsor and support your awakening. The 3D environment that you enrolled in when you selected to embody is intensifying as it is in the process of decaying. The energies and patterns that have held this challenging matrix of illusion in place are being revealed.
More and more individuals are waking up and realizing who they truly are as divine creators. The process of this awakening has been slow and steady for some and for others it has been a rather intense sudden awakening. However, once an individual expands their consciousness outside the limited mental box, they cannot totally return to their unconscious state of mind. Many of you reading these words understand what we are sharing.
We celebrate your awakening however it has occurred and we encourage you to continue to expand your understanding of who you really are and your role in anchoring a new energetic matrix of life-sustaining conscious light.
In your awakening process, be mindful to support one another. Use the tools that support and anchor your expansion. Use sound frequencies, mediation, movement, and connect to the energy offered by your planet. Continue to remember to unplug from the limitations offered by the old paradigm. Everything you know is shifting, changing and morphing into a different reality.
You are in an ascension process. As divine multidimensional beings you are meant to travel, move, and shift from one dimension to another with ease. Each time you ascend to a higher frequency or dimension of consciousness and return to this earthly 3D reality, you bring expanded codes. These codes then become available to all earthwalkers.
Many awakened beings continue to work diligently in restoring the energy gridwork around this planet. Those who are doing this service often are following an inner urge or guidance to move, travel or live in a certain area. In doing so, they leave an energetic code or imprint as they move about. By their dedicated work the energy grids are being restored, allowing a new template or matrix to be activated and aligned with the Galactic Center.
Many awakened beings are also doing stellar work and service by holding a clear frequency of gratitude, love and compassion instead of fear and other misqualified emotions and energy. By holding a holistic and balanced frequency they add strength to the grid of the new template.
We acknowledge you as you read these words knowing their truth. You are here to shift, transform, shake up the old dysfunctional realities. You are here anchoring conscious light.
You are here creating a bridge or gridwork to the other dimensions. You are not meant to be trapped in this often hostile limited environment. We often observe how easily one can drop or be pulled into a lower vibration or frequency. That is the allure of this dysfunctional matrix or template. Allow yourself to imagine and practice shifting to the higher dimensions. We know that many of you have experienced this as well as realizing that you are straddling more than one dimension. Practice this skill and ability; it is yours by birthright as the galactic citizen you are.
There is no judgment regarding this, it is simply an observation that we know you recognize as well. We have often stated that emotions are contagious. As empathic beings you will often match the energy surrounding you. The important task is to know this and simply remember to use your awareness to transform what you have encountered.
In this awakening process it is important to always be gentle with yourself and remember that your physical body is catching up with your awakened spiritual expansion. You physical body is truly changing at a cellular level. This has been happening for many years and it is now accelerating.
So we remind you to listen to your body’s messages, be in partnership with the consciousness of each cell. You may have experienced or be experiencing the body’s reaction to the increase energy flow. Some of these reactions may manifest as fever, chills, vertigo, hives, heart palpitations and other symptoms that come and go.
Be responsible for the care of the physical form as it is undergoing an inner transformation. Seek professional assistance if guided to do so, also take responsibility to nurture yourself. Stay physically and energetically anchored to your earth base. Eat healthy foods, stay hydrated and spend time in quiet space. These careful suggestions and reminders allow your physical body to energetically match your expanded consciousness and your energy body.
Use your awareness as alchemist to transform the energy of the foods you ingest, the misqualified energies you encounter for the restoring and expansion of your DNA codes to the original blueprint. Your every conscious action supports your personal evolution and the anchoring of your divine creator awareness.
Remember to practice and use the tools of your imagination, your focused intentions and your ability to transform any misqualified energy with which you interface. Honor and trust yourself, your guidance and your work. Remember to stay in the moment of NOW. It is in your focused attention and presence in the NOW that you are most powerful.
You are here to transform this 3D limited reality. You are here to seed, and anchor a new life-sustaining template. You are here to create the bridge or portal to the higher dimensions. You are here carrying the frequency that quickens and stimulates others to awaken to who they truly are. You are here as skilled alchemist transforming and transmuting any limited pattern of this old matrix. You are here as professional cosmic repairer to this energy grid and matrix.
We are in awe of you and your dedicated work and service as you continue to transform this earthly 3D reality. Humanity is literally awaking in masses, calling forth all misqualified energies to be revealed. Once these negative patterns and behaviors are made public they can be transformed by conscious alchemical light, and you have been and are a powerful force in what is occurring now. We are always available to support, encourage and remind you of your magnificence.
the ‘team’
©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available