Credit: www.blossomofthesoul.org
The more I study the universal laws, the more I become convinced that they’re about soul stirrings, soul action, soul operations. (1)
Think of it for a moment. We all know perfectly well how to move this physical body. Think of something, create the intention, and up you get.
But how do we make our soul stir?
And I’m not just thinking of our etheric or astral bodies, but our higher-dimensional bodies. How do we make them stir and become manifest and operational?
I’m beginning to suspect that it’s through regular, routine and natural use of the Universal Laws. I think the laws reach to soul level and activate, over time, the soul’s capabilities.
When we act simply according to our intellect or hearts, or even intuition, things may be hit and miss. Some days we listen; some days we don’t. When we do listen, we may make mistakes. Our results may be haphazard or negligible. Things can get discouraging and our impression of our own powers of creation and transformation may not be great.
But, if I’m right, the use of the universal laws is what actually moves matter, maybe even mountains. The use of the universal laws is what calls matter into being, holds it for a while, and then plunges it back into dissolution.
I believe I read somewhere that the Divine Mother had said to us that, in communicating the universal laws to us, she had given us her everything.
She said she was not going to wave a magic wand – and she could – because she wants us to use her tools.
Sanat Kumara made a similar remark when he said we brought our tools with us but don’t know they are tools or how to use them:
“You, your essential self, is free.
“Now, partner that with the, not the belief, but the fact – immutable – that you are creator; that you have brought the fullness of your soul design into this tiny little body (because it is small). And in that you have everything you need.
“So it is like a puzzle. You are in the jail: the file, the key, the hammer, the pliers, they’re all stuck in your mattress and you don’t know they’re there. But if you lie on that mattress to meditate and say to me, ‘Raj, could you help me out here?’ you would immediately feel all the lumps sticking in your back and your backside, because the tools are there.” (2)
Those tools are the universal laws. He continues:
“It is the framework upon which creation, what you have called the Divine Qualities, everything hangs. So it is the grid upon which you come to understand how things work.” (3)
And make them work. He invites us to use the laws on every occasion:
“What I encourage thee to begin to more actively implement … is consciously directing your actions – and when I say ‘actions’, I mean thoughts, words, conversations, everything you do – and reference it, or invoke one of the Laws, two of the Laws, three of the Laws.” (4)
To do that, we need to have a deeper and deeper understanding of what the laws are and how to use them.
Can we take the thirteen of them and make a few terse sentences out of them to explain their relevance and use?
The thirteen laws are:
- Law of Sacred Purpose
- Law of Intent
- Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance
- Law of Change
- Law of Give and Receive
- Law of Attachment and Detachment
- Law of Unification, Unity
- Law of Transmutation
- Law of Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation
- Law of Dispensation
- Law of Attraction and Repulsion
- Law of Elimination
- Law of Completion and Continuity
Purpose, intent, within and without, above and below, change, give and receive, attachment and detachment, instantaneous transmission, transformation, transmutation, dispensation, attraction and repulsion, elimination, completion and continuity, and balance.
What might be a synthesis? Hmmmm…. Here’s my first attempt:
Synthesis: Soul Stirring
Depending on our karmic dispensation, if we still have any karma to address, we awaken to our sacred purpose and formulate our intent in light of it.
We take into account the fact that what is within us is what will manifest outside of us and that what manifests outside of us can be used to see what’s there within us.
Our goal is to align our everyday self with our higher-dimensional self.
We learn the dance of attachment and detachment in everyday life. To develop discrimination – the purpose of embodied life – we practice attaching to the Real and detaching from the unreal.
We intend to attract to us what will lead us to Self-Knowledge, Unconditional Love, and Enrapturing Bliss. We repel from ourselves everything that would prove an obstacle to our aim.
We give freely of our substance and love and receive willingly in turn. There’s equality, equivalence, and balance in our relationships.
We draw upon the alchemy of the universal laws of change, instantaneous transmission, transformation, transmutation, and elimination. We use these laws to create, preserve, and transform what we want to create or discreate, in line with our sacred purpose and intent.
Through the use of these laws, we grow ever more balanced and finally bring our present journey to completion, at which point, after a rest, we begin anew.
All of this represents our soul in action, whether or not it translates into physical action.
Let that be a first cut at the subject. Let me try it on and see how it fits.
I start out by invoking the universal laws. But I can see a time coming when I just simply will “be” them. The same as I just “be” a rider when I get on my bike. (5)
(1) By “soul” I mean the Self, the Christ, the Atman.
(2) Sanat Kumara, “Universal Law, Divine Justice & Freedom,” May 23, 2016, at https://counciloflove.com/2016/05/universal-law-divine-justice-freedom/.
(3) “Sanat Kumara: You’re Ready to Build Societies in Adherence with the Law” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/23/sanat-kumara-youre-ready-to-build-societies-in-adherence-with-the-law/.
(4) “Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at httpss://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.
(5) Sanat suggests this will be the case:
“Have you ever found yourself doing something and it is done by rote? You do not think, “Well, now I am going to make a cake. Oh, I am going to get the flour. Oh, I am going to use this much flour. Oh, I am going to add an egg.” because it becomes ‘rote’. So you do it perfectly without thinking about it. And more and more, that is what a lot of your actions are going to feel like.” (“Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at httpss://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.)