A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, November 7, 2017
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As most of you know I am dedicated one hundred percent of my time to the Ascension of the earth and work with the Earth Council.
We are proceeding rapidly with the earth’s Ascension. We know that you follow many points of reference, and numerous sources of information. We observe that you are becoming increasingly better at discerning what is true and what is not. Your empathy levels have risen substantially in the last couple of years. You need this empathy in order to be able to ascertain what is occurring around you and on the planet. You need to be able to determine truth.
Your vibratory rates have risen substantially in the last 45 days. This is a result of expanding energies, harmonics, shifting DNA, and the activation of encodements. It is also due to greater focus on your spiritual work like prayer and meditation. Human hearts have been opened and activated from all of the earth changes and impact of crises on the planet. This is true for many but not for all for some are hanging onto the last vestiges of power and wealth that they can keep to themselves until the very end.
We want you to know that the end is coming. Even though the dark forces have their own plan it is not part of the divine plan. They will not be successful in their attempts to undermine the earth’s Ascension. It is over for them. The lightworkers are now in charge and we support you all of the way. Please do not occupy your mind with fear of failure because this will only play into the hands that would like you to be in fear. Hold only success and love and light for your Ascension process in your heart and your consciousness. Stay current with events, how you are feeling about them, and be your own expert on how to handle this unfolding. You are gaining much wisdom and learning how powerful and important you are to the Ascension process.
Many of the recent events that occurred are subject to interpretation. You have the right to refuse anyone else’s material about these events. It is up to you to determine what actually happened. Information has been provided that would lead you to false assumptions in many instances. We ask you to check with one another and to validate what is your sense of truth. From our perspective all is known and there are no secrets. Please learn to trust yourself. You will need to in times ahead.
Many positive things are happening in the Ascension process. Humanity is waking up. They are beginning to question. They are evaluating their lives and priorities more than ever before. Much of the old is being questioned. People are beginning to take back their power.
There are injustices, abuse, flagrant violation of human rights, disregard for the earth and its resources, misuse of power, military domination, and various other maligned energies. Rapid shifts in consciousness are happening to protect others. Truth is part of the Ascension process and it is being revealed. Get ready to watch more of the perpetrators take their fall.
You are doing an excellent job. All of the prayers and meditations that you are doing are impactful. Your questioning, research, compassion, and overall understanding of much of what is occurring now on the planet is useful on many levels. We work with you in harmony, peace, love, respect and joy. Your open hearts are the gateway to a new tomorrow. We are with you.
I am Mira in love and peace.