Defeated Napoleon III and victorious Otto von Bismarck: Drama-fest leading to 1870 War
In my view, the exposure of Harvey Weinstein has opened a door that cannot again be closed.
It could take down a President accused of many of the same acts.
These inescapable confrontations with our own failings as a society are added to the impact of the extreme tragedy all around us.
Mass shootings, hurricanes and wildfire amount to chaos, murder and mayhem. They trigger vasanas or core issues in us that are more social in nature than personal.
In 2012, Archangel Michael had referred to these socially-related vasanas in a reading with Kathleen:
“The human collective, the people of old Earth have built up many, many false illusions, many paradigms that became so strong in their belief systems that they formulated into structures and institutions, practices and societies around them.” (1)
That’s a pretty good description of them. In July of that same year, I discussed the subject:
“On this site I’ve addressed the subject of vasanas many times – the habitual reaction patterns we have that are rooted in the past but triggered by events in the present. But these have always been examinations of personal upsets and reaction patterns.
“Here we’re dealing with what I might call ‘social vasanas,’ if such there be – the projections and transferences made onto social figures who are seen as having wounded people. These vasanas are felt as social injustice rather than personal injury.
“Certainly we’ve never been in a situation where a global elite has been overthrown on the planet and its overthrow was accomplished by the beings who are doing the work at present [ascended masters, galactics and celestials].
“So we’ve probably never seen social vasanas emerging on the scale they will be in the weeks and months ahead. There’s no literature on how we’ll address the emotions and upsets that we’ll be seeing on this planet in the near future. There’s no precedent for the work that faces us as lightworkers.” (2)
Yes, there’s no precedent for tackling the vasanas we share as a society. And no literature is available to lightworkers that I’m aware of. But we are the wayshowers.
The worst case of a social vasana gripping a nation and propelling it to destruction was the promulgation of hatred for Jews and Bolsheviks by Adolf Hitler. Dedication to this hate-filled ideology and program led to the death of some 60 million people – soldiers and civilians – in the Second World War. (3)
I’ve studied the events leading up to WWII, all the way back to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. The history of that region seems to me, not a drama-fast, to use Linda Dillon’s term, but a drama-fest. Political and military leaders seemed to be driven simply by their vasanas. And they seem to have had no idea that that was happening.
Many leaders prided themselves on the elegance or bravery or wisdom of their constructed selves – their acts, their performances, their presented self. But all of it was posturing. Hitler epitomized it most. But he stood on the braided shoulders of many others.
Here we are again, with some folks advocating a wall to shut Mexicans out, political leaders who grope, assault and rape women and children, and monies intended for Puerto-Rican and other disaster relief funds appearing to be siphoned off through seemingly-corrupt arrangements. All of this arises from acting on our vasanas we share as a society.
Either we’re impelled to action by our vasanas or we draw back in response to them. In their name, we cheat, assault, and attack.
Coming out of them involves cleansing ourselves as a society (the same as with a personal vasana), restoring balance, and re-enshrining the divine qualities in our social life.
We lightworkers have worked on cleansing ourselves of our own personal vasanas and now we may need to begin the task of leading the cleansing of society of its shared vasanas as well.
Just as the truth of our own vasanas sets us free from them, truth commissions such as in South Africa are an example of setting society free from its shared traumatic memories, belief systems, social conclusions, and social decisions.
Once the social vasana has been dealt with, we still have the conditioned behavior that results from it. Our conditioning may linger past the demise of the vasana, like a burnt rope. Appearance but little substance.
Clearing our social vasanas isn’t about who’s right and who’s wrong, who’s good and who’s evil. It’s about a march back from the verge of destruction.
It’s about everyone pulling their extreme thoughts, feelings, and behavior into their hearts and sending them back to the Mother for recycling as love.
It’s about re-attaining inner silence and stillness, the balance point in our heart, but as a society.
Following the truth process, there may need to be apologies, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
The truth process itself may be harrowing. To arrive at a true representation of what has been happening on this planet while not seeking to blame, shame, label, judge, or punish will be quite a feat.
But, in my view, that’s the work.
(1) Personal Reading between Archangel Michael and Kathleen Willis, through Linda Dillon, Jan. 21, 2012.
(2) “Social Vasanas: A New Phenomenon,”
(3) “World War II casualties,” Wikipedia, at httpss://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties
Reading List
“Social Vasanas: A New Phenomenon,”
“Clearing Our Social Vasanas – Part 1/2,”
“Clearing Our Social Vasanas – Part 2/2,”
“What is a Vasana?” Nov. 23, 2010, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/what-is-a-vasana-part-12/