(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I hope that social media are not used to convict people without a trial. Rather, I recommend that it be used only in the most difficult and recalcitrant of cases to put credible testimony before the public where other routes are unavailable or other media actively trying to suppress the truth.
If we abuse it, then we’ll suffer. And our track record in this regard has not been great. I hope I never come to see its use as a Pandora’s Box.
As a society we’re carrying so many deep, dark secrets that I can appreciate why people seek escape by so many routes.
Let #MeToo lead to a global Truth Commission and let’s have everything be out in the open. In stages. Slowly.
As much as the public can take at a time. And according to well-established legal procedures.
But let’s hear the truth.
We all know who killed JFK, (1) and why, (2) but let’s have the truth be spoken.
We all know who carried out 9/11, (3) and why, (4) but let’s have the truth be spoken.
We all know extraterrestrials – our star family – are here, and why, (5) but let’s have the truth be spoken.
Once the truth is spoken, it becomes part of the agreed-upon public record.
Raising a matter to public awareness is no different than raising a matter to our own personal awareness: It becomes more difficult, or impossible, to continue the behavior. Human-rights legislation applying everywhere on Earth is also needed. After the consciousness shift, these measures probably won’t be required any longer.
Undoubtedly there will be apologies given and recompense made where appropriate.
All of us are here to support a consciousness shift. This is the time when everything hidden, that needs to be revealed, will be – forced up by the energies that are causing all to rise and respond. And then the long-desired, long-sought-for global healing and reconciliation can occur.
Men have a lot to apologize for to women. All of us in the West have a lot to apologize for in turning a blind eye to the suffering of the rest of the world, much of it caused by us. Many religious circles have a tremendous amount of cleansing to do.
As a first step in this, the truth needs to be known.
(1) The Illuminati cabal as well as the CIA, FBI, Office of Naval Intelligence, Secret Service, and Pentagon.
(2) Because he threatened to bring the Federal Reserve and the Illuminati behind it down. I believe he also was ready to disclose the extraterrestrial presence.
(3) A consortium of American, British, European, and Israeli interests, led by the White House.
(4) To take over Mid-East oil and opium production and erode civil rights in the United States and other countries.
(5) To save the planet from omnicide through depleted-uranium and other toxic exposures; to save it from a planned World War III; and to prepare it for the consciousness shift, which they play a major role in.