Written before I knew of the Somalian women wearing red bandanas, another act of sheer courage.
We asked for tangible proof that we were in a consciousness shift.
For me personally, the Harvey Weinstein exposé is the clearest grassroots proof that we’re in one.
Numerous actresses staked their careers on testifying in the only arena available to them (social media) that Weinstein had assaulted them and gave details to back it up.
That’s courage.
The cat is out of the bag. The allegations are on the public record. And the sources are people many hold as icons.
It seems to take a lot to get the public going. But the Harvey Weinstein expose, drawing together as it has numerous stars to say, “No! That’s enough!” is a watershed event for me.
It proves that social media can work to overcome the mass-media blackout on Illuminati crimes. Social media came of age for me in these past few weeks.
Using it has its pitfalls, I know, but using it with wisdom and discernment? The great leap forward that the actresses have made for all of us could not have been done without social media.
Moreover, it suggests to us that we have to be willing to let go of considerations like career if we want to stay on mission. That sounds like a hard decision, and it is. I’ve had to make it twice.
But first: What do I mean by “on mission”?
Apparently, we of this generation are here for a purpose – to help with the consciousness shift and rebuild the Earth. Usually we (as lightworkers) find that what our mission in that work is the same as what we love doing, what gives us joy and bliss.
Staying on mission can cost us our career. I’ve had to let go of two doctoral dissertations in order to stay on mission. One was a study of culture as reflected in novels of the 1890s. In 1974, it was judged as “not historical.” I chose to stay with innovation and leave the historical profession.
The second time was in Sociology. I had a vision while driving my car in 1987. I was removed from time for eight seconds while I watched the total journey of an individual soul from God to God.
After that I wanted only to study enlightenment, but my department and the university itself would not permit it. The Religious Studies Dept. said it was not permitted under the university’s charter!
I chose to stay on mission and left the Sociological profession. You can read my Sociology dissertation here: https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness_to_Light. That’s a database on enlightenment, all of it spurred by that 1987 event.
It’s my opinion that, if what we do in protest is in accordance with our mission – that is, is consistent with our own deeply-held values – we don’t in the long run suffer. Far from it. We prosper – and I’m thinking of spiritual currency rather than physical currency.
Nevertheless, it’s easy to say and very hard to do and I honor and respect the sacrifice that the actresses made.
The risk they took is the kind of courage we need if we’re going to see the arrival of gender equality, an end to poverty, and an end to war on this planet.
Shining light into dark corners like pedophilia from Pizzagate and sexual predation from Harvey Weinstein is just the beginning of what needs to be seen, acknowledged, and lifted from the planet.
Children who are being sexually exploited and want it to stop – and rely on us to care – will thank us. Immigrant laborers deprived of all services and paid less than minimum wages will thank us. Refugees from wars we ourselves started will thank us.
The cleansing of our social fabric is part of building Nova Earth. Just as we’ve attended to our personal vasanas (or core issues), so we need to attend to our social vasanas. And our social vasanas go back generations, handed down through intergenerational transfer, just as our personal vasanas also may have been.
It can be handled peacefully and contextually. We’re not out to do a witch hunt. We’re saying, “No! That’s enough!” We want the behavior to stop.
When the behavior stops, life can return to normal. And social media can return to its original function of connecting people.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)