The journey from God to God is an arc that spirals back
We’re all of us looking for our sacred purpose.
A clue might be to look for some activity that we reaaalllyy looooove.
I was out having coffee with a friend and I couldn’t wait to return home to get back to work on the universal-law book. I worried that I’d seem rude to my friend, as if it was about her when it was not.
That definitely points to work on the book being part of my sacred purpose.
That relates to my sacred purpose. But what if life itself had a sacred purpose? What might the sacred purpose of life be?
In my view, it depends on whose viewpoint we’re speaking from – from the viewpoint of the individuated spark of God or from that of God Itself (God is beyond gender). (1)
God’s purpose in creating the illusion of individuated selves was that God would meet God in a moment of our Self-Realization.
We’d realize that we are God and, in that moment of recognition or enlightenment, God would have the great pleasure of meeting Itself.
This whole drama of life was made up for that singular purpose. It’s a divine play or leela.
Here’s the plot of the movie: Unknowing sparks of God move from unconsciousness to Self-Consciousness. On rare occasions, a spark “gets itself” and God meets God. In Technicolor and InnerVision.
I’ll bet you’ve already guessed what our sacred purpose is.
Our sacred purpose is to realize our true identity. That true identity is God.
If God is everything, how could the situation be otherwise? If God is everything, and we are “some thing,” we must also be God. Even when we realize we are no thing, we remain God.
It does no good, in terms of producing the result – Self-Knowledge – to simply know that as an idea. I am Steve Beckow. I live in Vancouver. I write books for a living. There’s no power in any of this.
It does no good to simply experience who we are. I feel the deep peace that I am. I’m feeling uplifted at the moment. Nice, but again very little power to transform. (2)
The only thing sufficient to galvanize us into action and decide a question once and for all – in other words, motivate us and cause real transformation – is realization. We must realize our true identity.
And, as you might expect, there are also depths or levels of realization.
I can have a simple “Aha!” which may be enough to settle a question, but not enough to motivate a change in behavior.
Or I could realize my sacred Oneness with God.
When we realize the latter, and realize that everything that exists and does not exist is also One with God, we ascend.
Some time after that, we find ourselves becoming able to satisfy all our needs – without needing money. We imagine what we want and our thoughts create the object. What we call “imagination,” higher-dimensional beings call “creative thought.”
Life is definitely moving in the direction of increasing workability.
Add to that that we pass every higher-dimensional day experiencing a love so powerful that it sweeps away all misery and anxiety and leaves us with the experience of complete satisfaction with life. What of this does not sound wonderful?
There are many other ways of ascending; not saying otherwise. But attainment of Sahaja Samadhi – the stage beyond realizing we are God, the stage where we see that God has become everything – is, as I understand it, the final act in our otherwise-gradual Ascension.
That’s the goal. That’s where we’re headed.
In 1987, I saw in a vision a single spark of God leave the Golden Sun that the Holy Father was and travel through space to the cloudy domain of the Divine Mother.
I watched it travel through a spiral tube that I knew to represent lifetimes in matter. As long as it was in the tube, its brilliance had left it.
However I saw it experience a flash of enlightenment and then it raced home to merge with the Golden Sun again. (3)
While I knew this spiritual movie to represent the sum of all our lifetimes in matter, it can be seen to apply, with appropriate changes, to one leg of the journey – our Ascension.
We descended into the Third Dimension of matter, mater, Mother. We’ve traveled through lifetimes in matter and now stand on the threshold of realizations that will carry us, gradually and ultimately, into a dimension beyond the Third – the Fifth or higher – of human consciousness.
These realizations will be either of who we are or else of our relationship to God (Oneness).
While we won’t merge with God and leave individuation behind, we will experience a much-deeper level of Unity with God.
The same journey from a degree of darkness and denseness to one of greater Light and lightness applies in both cases.
What that means is that this Ascension, once accomplished, does not end our journey. Ultimately we return Home.
Later information than I used to rely on suggests that, even after we finish the Twelfth-Dimensional human round of incarnation and return Home, we’re sent back out again, renewed, and on a fresh assignment.
(1) Humans have – or Mother/Father God has – employed a gender metaphor as a teaching device. Here’s an example of Lao Tzu using it:
“Nameless indeed is the source of creation. But things have a mother and she has a name.” (Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 53.)
The distinction has nothing to do with human ideas of gender. It’s between love in motion (the Mother) and love at rest (the Father). If movement were to cease in the multiverse, the dream would be over: Everything would dis-integrate into nothingness and return to the Father.
(2) When we make a simple change in behavior as a result of an idea or experience – that is, an event at the intellectual or emotional level – I use the word “change” for that.
When we talk about the shift in inner orientation that happens in the midst or wake of a realization, I use the word “transformation” for that.
Transformation is deeper, more lasting, more profoundly impactful. We seldom forget a realization or the transformation that results from it.
(3) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
This was not an enlightenment experience, but simply a vision. I did not realize anything; I watched a visual tableau, like a movie, unfold before me.
On this occasion, unlike on many future occasions, I felt tremendous bliss and that’s what allowed me to “know” what was happening before my eyes.
It may have been a truncated experience. I had the intellectual understanding plus the bliss but minus the realization.