October 12, 2017 ~ Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon welcome Archangel Gabrielle to the show to discuss the re-kindling of Joy.
We’ve been cleaned down to the bone, and our guest reminds us not to get enmeshed with what’s already been cleared. We aren’t on a fool’s mission, she tells us, and the Company of Heaven would never mislead, forget of abandon us.
They made their free will choice to support, guide and nourish, point the way and co-create with us. It was a decision made eons ago, and they make that choice every day, in every moment of existence.
They make it in a variety of ways, but the overarching reason is that they choose joy, and we’re part of that joy. They bestow it upon us, and as we’ve evolved, they’ve moved from being guardians to being in Sacred Partnership and co-creating Nova Earth with us.
Tune in for an encouraging discussion on these changing times and how to choose the Joy!
Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET
There is no call-in number
Heavenly Blessings is a show in which we join with the Council of Love to share gifts, blessings, stories and insights through meditation, channeling and conversation. This show aims to assist individuals on their individual journey and also to build support and mutuality with the inhabitants of earth, the higher realms, and with our star brothers and sisters.
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Linda’s website ~ https://counciloflove.com/
For those who wish to support our efforts with a donation ~ https://hopeche.st
Heavenly Blessings airs every other Thursday at 7pm ET