Well.org is featuring a showing of their film for 10 days, Prosperity, conscious business/capitalism occurring globally right now. Thanks to Sitara.
Click here to go to the movie:
Here’s Dr Pedram Shojai:
Do This For You… Do This For Us.
Where Do We Go From Here?
There’s one very important thing I want you to know about Prosperity…
It’s not just a movie. It’s a movement.
The businesses we showcased in the film are only a handful of the thousands of new and existing companies who are actively trying to make changes in the world around us.
There’s so much more to the story, and we need YOU to help write the rest!
The challenge we face is simple. We can’t predict the future, but we can help make choices that turn us in the right direction.
We could feature something cool a company is doing today and, tomorrow they can go off the rails and do something bad.
Our goal is not to endorse specific companies, but rather reward ANY company making an effort and showing good behavior. Let’s come together and encourage them to continue doing good things… and reward them for that.
We’ve spent several months researching the best tools and resources we can share with you after the film to help you in each of the 5 main categories mentioned at the end of the film.
Hey it’s Dr Pedram Shojai. I’m the host of the movie and founder of Well.Org. We’re a For- Benefit media company who’s mission is to cover stories that make the world a healthier place. I’m a real person who wants a better future for my kids. I want to share something really important with you here.
When I first started to think about doing this film, I spoke with several people about it who encouraged me to move ahead. This was to be my third film and I was hoping to raise money for it. I had funded my first film (low budget) and grew Well.org from there. Origins, my second film cost considerably more but, again, I decided to pay for it through Well.org which isn’t a huge company. When it came time to start planning for this film, I spoke with Gunnar Lovelace of Thrive market who loved the idea. He said he’d be willing to help with a crowdfunding campaign to support it. He was able to sponsor a $100k grant from Thrive and helped with our Indiegogo campaign (which raised $16k) a couple years ago. The agreement was for Well.org to retain complete creative control and tell the story as we discovered it. Thrive would also be able to share its mission with our viewers.
This grant helped launch the Prosperity project and, as I spent more time learning the stories and meeting amazing people, I knew the project was going to grow in scope and expense. At that point, I had to face a decision, raise more money or manage it ourselves. Because of the nature of the film, I couldn’t have the people in the project become sponsors or it would lose journalistic integrity. So what did we do? We sucked it up. It was a tough decision but we knew it was the right one. We ran a very tight ship and we managed to fund the whole film on our own from that point on. We’re proud of that fact. Everybody who’s been featured in this film deserved to be here. Thrive Market did put in that original grant but had zero creative say and nobody else paid us anything. The only other “benefit” we received was we were able to hitch a ride to panama on a plane Naomi had chartered (those things cost a lot) and she put us up for 2 nights at an eco-lodge on one of the islands. We never featured the lodge in the film. We probably got a handful of lunches picked up along the way as we visited companies on the road.
That’s it. We’ve kept it clean.
On another note I want to say this: our stance in this film is to feature good behavior, not companies. People make mistakes. They take wrong turns. Many of these companies could make a terrible decision tomorrow or may already have things they’ve done that aren’t too cool. We understand that things aren’t black and white and took this stance from the very beginning. We’re here to applaud good behavior and not individuals or companies. This way, we can all encourage change and move the conversation forward.
Since our very first movie, we have become enamored with the freemium model. This means, we’ve decided to make our movies free (for as long as we can) and share them with millions of people. After all, we’re doing this to help people and fix the world, so the more people who watch, the better.
So how do we make money?
At Well.Org, we create thoughtful, relevant, and supportive materials, education, programs, and groups to support the movies we make. Our first film (Vitality) was supported by a program called “The Vitality Challenge” which was a lifestyle program that helped thousands of people. We inspired millions with the film and helped several thousand get healthier. This helped generate revenue which allowed us to keep the movie for free longer and also helped us fund our second film without outside sponsors.
Our second film (Origins) was followed by a 40 interview “Deep Dive” series which, again, added tons of value and helped thousands of people clean the toxins out of their lives. We continue to ask the big questions and seek truth in our content. This allowed us to grow and keep doing what we do- including the making of the film, Prosperity.
The goal is to always deliver 10-100x the value people invest and use a percentage of proceeds to fund causes that matter. It’s a great model- win/win/win for you, us, and the planet. We offer lots of free tools and resources for everybody and also offer a paid level with added value for people who want more, get the mission, and can support this work.
We’re extremely proud of the Prosperity Roadmap and Stakeholder Membership. It is stacked with powerful interviews, actionable lessons, useful tools, discounts, and much more. The goal is to educate, inspire, connect people, and keep growing this movement. We want to empower you and activate you to be a part of something bigger. The money you invest helps fuel the whole engine and is going to fund the continuation of Prosperity as an episodic show. That’s right.
This is just the beginning. Our Stakeholders are helping us continue this exploration of the real-life examples of people doing great things. As a Stakeholder, you’ll receive a new high value lesson each month that’ll help you prosper and help you be involved in making a difference. Let’s come together and make a lasting impact that we can track.
Like I said, I’m a real guy with kids and dogs who like to run around and play. I’d like to help preserve a world for them to do so. Are you in?