The Mighty Archangels, St. Germaine, and Sanat Kumara are our companions on this Ascension journey.
Daily posting of the Archangels creates a healing/creation chamber, around us and situations, that is second to none.
St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame and the I Am Presence, reminds us to use the Violet Flame and I Am statements, to anchor in Who We Are.
Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, reminds us the purpose of Universal Law is balance. Invoking SK and Universal Law brings balance to all situations that are troubling.
By posting daily the Mighty Ones, using Divine I Am Statements, invoking St. Germaine and the Violet Flame, and invoking Sanat Kumara and Universal Law, we discover what powerful creators we are.
I discovered I was saying deep unconscious and subconscious false grid phrases — that “God is punishing” — such as:
‘I’m bad’ (This early childhood trauma feels like I’m being punished.)
‘I’m mad/sad’ (This traumatic experience is making me mad/sad.)
‘I want out’ (Do these phrases create addiction to pain, from overeating to heroin?)
My question is, did they help to create the opioid addiction crisis in the DTES (Downtown Eastside) of Vancouver, and elsewhere?
Have they helped create other external realities on Gaia such as the hurricanes, the refugee crisis, starvation and war, even the latest shooting in Las Vegas?
With our understanding of Ascension, let’s not create extremes in our external reality by holding onto the unconscious and subconscious phrases, the false grids and our core issues, lack of self-love and lack of self-worth.
Beginning each day posting the Mighty Ones in a square around me — with I Am Divine Statements, invoking St. Germaine and the Violet Flame, and invoking Sanat Kumara and Universal Law — I centre myself.
I’d like to bring balance to the DTES of Vancouver and the opioid crisis, myself and community:
I post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth
to colour the entry door wall, that entire wall, of my apartment
and side of the DTES, that entire side
with saffire blue for hope, protection,
trust, change, peace, serenity.
I Am Hope, Infinite Potential
I ask Archangel Michael to please stand at the 1st corner
with his Blue Flame of Truth, of Infinite Potential.
Next I post Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame
to colour the next wall of my apartment
and the next side, the 2nd side of the DTES
emerald green for compassion and Love.
I Am Love, Who I Am
I ask Archangel Raphael to please stand with his Emerald Flame,
at the 2nd corner.
Next I post Archangel Uriel, with his gentle Silver Flame
and to colour the next wall of my apartment
and the next side, the 3rd side of the DTES
with shiny silver for truth, beauty, connectedness.
I Am Worth, Divine Authority
I ask Archangel Uriel to please stand with his Silver Flame
at the 3rd corner.
Next I post Archangel Jophiel with his sack of Jophie Dust
to colour the next wall of my apartment
and the next side, the 4th side of the DTES
magenta for compassion, forgiveness, beauty, wisdom.
I forgive everything/I Am Forgiveness
I ask him to please stand at the 4th corner.
I also ask you, Archangel Jophiel, to please shower
your Jophie dust on me and the entire DTES.
To complete the chamber, I ask Archangel Gabrielle to stand
with her lilies and her burnished golden trumpet
in the middle of my apartment, and the DTES.
Her lilies and trumpet are golden truth,
healing, and worthiness.
I Am Gratitude
Joy, Sacred Purpose,
Conscious Awareness of Wholeness
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance for me,
the DTES, and the opioid crisis.
I ask St. Germaine to put a chalice of the Violet Flame
under my apartment,
and under the entire DTES of Vancouver.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Gabrielle
Sanat Kumara
and St. Germaine
As within, so without,
no separation between me
the Divine and Vancouver’s DTES.
I invoke SK and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
for deeper discovery, knowing, next steps of my sacred purpose.
Inviting everyone to join me, calling on the Mighty Ones, St. Germaine and Sanat Kumara daily for:
Divine Alignment,
balance within,