(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017
Steve Beckow: I’m a little concerned about how to know the throughput of money that I should be spending, consistent with the notion that bumper cars would come to me. I’m concerned I’ll either spend too little or too much to coordinate with them.
At every point I’m going to be disbursing money and I never know whether I’ve disbursed so much money that I jeopardize the continuity of it all.
Archangel Michael: This is an excellent question and I have an excellent answer!
This is part of the learning and manifestation of balance. And as you know in the building and the restoration of course of Earth but the building of Nova Earth as well (and those are glued together), the sense of balance is a theme and a very physical, present theme in all things.
So, yes, there will be “bumper cars,” as you have called them. That is a delightful term. But we want you, and we consistently tell you, to pace yourself.
Let it be that moderation is your key.
And that is why we suggest to you not to be cheap or limited but not to be grandiose or over-the-top either. This is the way we want you to think of it.
And by the way, while we are at it, you are not intended to deny yourself either. No, we know that your desires do not tend towards the physical. And of course that is one of the reasons why you are perfect for flowthrough.
You are not looking for planes and châteaus, as we have talked about before. But I would say to you, be physically comfortable and when you look around and you say, “I am comfortable now,” then take it up a notch.
Steve: Go up to the penthouse? [My secret wish.]
AAM: Yes. That is my advice to you. (1)
Now when you are looking [for new employees?] – this is why you’re going to have adequate staff to run these projects – you are only to deal with a handful of people. So you say to your CFO – and this is the guidance – “Tell me, what does it take to, say, run the Vancouver Project for three years? What does it take to run it for five years?”
We are not suggesting that it would be necessary or even desirable to stretch that out in terms of estimations for 10 years or 20 years. Because there will be ample money. But make that estimation.
We would suggest a three-year estimation and not paying people low wages, not saying that people have to live in bunkhouses, for example, or have to eat cheap food that is not organic.
So in terms of generosity of spirit and practicality of transformation, you look at that and you set that money aside. So there is a grand reserve, (2) so you never have to worry about the bumper car because we can guarantee you where this is going. (3)
Where the bumper car is going to come in, practically, is that every project, and that is why we want you to start slow, every project is going to spin off additional need. It is guaranteed.
Steve: Could you give me an example of that to firm it up in my mind?
The Vancouver Project is going to spin off extra need, like they’ll identify a need that I haven’t thought of.
Like: “There is a native reserve just outside of Vancouver which we do a lot with. Could you include them?” Is that what you mean?
AAM: That is exactly what we mean. [Another example.] There are not adequate support groups for men to discover a deeper side of who they truly are. That is a separate project but it is a spin-off.
Steve: So, I should keep that in mind that the initial amounts will grow, so to speak.
AAM: The initial amounts will grow and you will have it in reserve one by one by one by one. (4)
And you do not want – and this is on the practical side; yes, still with only handful of people reporting to you – so many projects that you can’t see the beauty unfold, the singularity of one project anymore.
Steve: Now, this question benefits from what you just finished saying but I’d like to read it nonetheless.
I’m getting clearer and clearer that my first priority is awareness writing. I’m becoming more and more comfortable with the principle behind contact with no more than a handful of people.
I know you want me to remain the ultimate decision maker in matters of policy but apart from that, if I carve out a lifestyle kind and attentive to the needs of awareness writing, are you alright with that? That’s really my first love.
AAM: I am over the moon with that! You can do the writing and I will do the art and music! (5)
(1) had a friend who lived in the penthouse of the apartment I live in. Seeing her apartment was what had me want to be in this building in the first place.
The last two times he helped me with finding new apartments, he either said he could or actually did arrange for the right vacancy at the end of the existing month, in one case in less than 48 hours.
I imagine as soon as I want to move to the penthouse here, I’ll find that the current renters have just decided to move to a better spot elsewhere. I’ll let you know.
(2) This “grand reserve” he’s also called a contingency fund elsewhere. He’s asked me to keep 20% aside for it and to begin to slow down with disbursements when I have only 27% of my total capital left.
(3) Well, it’s going to be NESARA.
See “NESARA” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/financial-wayshowing-reval/#10. or look at the First Contact data base here: https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=NESARA.
(4) Adequate money set aside in separate accounts, I imagine – “one by one by one.”
(5) Ours is a co-creative partnership. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017.