Last week I wrote an article on the importance of subscribing to the Golden Age of Gaia to support the blog and Lightworkers.
I made an example of $5.55 a month not being out of reach for most because we spend that on a cup of coffee.
I would like to share with you a loving and considered response I received from one of our readers, Robin.
I have an open mind, a loving heart, and pure intention as I write this message.
This comment prompted me to write: ”$5.55 a month. That’s not much. We spend more than that per day on coffee…”
How many of your readers would love to have $5.55 to spend on something they actually need, let alone coffee?
There is more to community than money and, while I recognize that is needed also, people who don’t have money to give should still be allowed to ‘buy into’ the community.
MANY of the channeled messages have spoken of Spiritual Currency, and it feels to me this is forgotten.
We are all going through this together and it’s Not just about money…….
I am grateful for this site, and I know many others are also. There are those that can afford a cup of coffee, and there are those without cups.
Everyone has something to offer.
That’s what people do in communities.
Five dollars might not seem like a lot to some people, but to others…
Her reply touched me deeply.
I wrote back to Robin and apologized for leaving out consideration for those who cannot afford monetary support but who uplift this blog, the staff and the Earth with their Intention, Energy and Love.
I asked her to share her suggestions for energetic support with us so that we are more able to come together in ALL dimensions in the loving support of GAoG and our Lightworker Community.
Robin wrote:
Sitara, I started off this e-mail by saying, “Thank you, so much, for your heart-felt response,” and then realized that is exactly what you said to me.
A heart-felt response. :). Our feelings are our friends.
Here are a few ideas I feel called to share:
It’s all about Mutual Welfare and Benefit…If you’re like me, you visit the Golden Age of Gaia to feed your soul. Steve and his team provide a lot of food for thought.
It has become clear that they need our support as well.
The most recent post about sustainability and community asked us to open our hearts and consider a monthly subscription, and there have been other posts asking for financial assistance in the form of donations.
Are you able to offer financial support?
If not, are you willing to offer spiritual currency in the form of loving prayers and intention?
When Suzanne asked for financial assistance to attend a conference recently, I immediately send out a prayer that she would promptly receive whatever she needed.
She did.
The Golden Age of Gaia clearly needs our help and we are here to help one another on our journey.
It is not just about money. It is about mutual welfare and benefit.
Balanced giving and receiving. Honor.
There was an equinox ceremony I attended, and in lieu of a donation I asked if I could make her an essential oil blend that would support her body and soul.
I also strung some beads that I had on hand to creating a charming necklace from three crystal beads.
She said, “Wow Robin. That is perfection created for me in your hands right when I need those exact energies!!!”
What energy can you send to the Golden Age of Gaia right now?
Can you pledge a monthly subscription so they have regular reliable support?
Can you make a donation?
Can you offer up a heart-felt prayer that they receive exactly what they need?
What can you do?
Life is a spiritual adventure ~ and it’s all about Mutual Welfare and Benefit!…
I was trying to convey the message that we are not powerless. The old paradigm used financial means to lead us to believe so, but we have spiritual currency and that is more valuable than all the gold in the world.
The power of love.
I believe in the power of love.
Robin intuits drawings each day to convey the messages she receives. Here are two she sent to illustrate the messages “Mutual Welfare And Benefit,” and “With Mutual Welfare… All Is good.”
Thank you, Robin, for your steadfast, loving support.
And thank you dear readers for your contribution by way of subscription, monetary if you are able, and loving intent and energetic support. We receive all with an open heart.
If you’d like to support us monetarily, here is how to subscribe:
(1) Please click here, where you’ll see:
Make a monthly donation to Golden Age of Gaia
Once you set up your subscription, it will be deducted from your PayPal account or credit card. You can always change the amount or cancel the subscription by going to your PayPal account.
(2) Please enter the amount.
(3) Hit “subscribe” and set up the means by which your subscription will be paid.
(4) If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest:
Note from Karen: If you wish to use a credit card for your subscription, it needs to be a card that is not hooked up to Paypal or it will automatically go through Paypal. It has need to be a credit card not associated with your Paypal account.