Sunday, September 17
Humanity is currently in the throes of a ‘dark night of the soul’ on global scale. This is a phase of soul initiation that is divinely purposed to purge and purify the mass consciousness of all that is not in resonance with the emerging crystalline harmonic of ‘unified awareness’.
As a result of this grand purge, we are witnessing some of the most horrific levels of extreme suffering in human history. Mass animal extinction, climate refugees, environmental devastation, ongoing cycles of war, mental torment… are but a few of the faces worn by the many-headed hydra of this dark night.
To help alleviate needless suffering and to bring vital stability during this critical phase in our collective initiation, we are moving into immediate synchronized action to transmit our codes of awakening and self-realized accomplishment.
We invite you to join us in this great service as a Oneness Transmitter.
Our Highest Alignment as Oneness Transmitters
Before participating, please insure your alignment to our planetary
mission by listening to this podcast sharing with Tiara Kumara.
Key Power Tools:
* We offer ourselves up to be used as Divine Channel as we transmit from the planetary Crystalline Grid and its pathways of light.
* We are aligned to divine principle and universal law while completely surrendering our personality over to Divine Will.
* From this pristine alignment, we are invoking the realms of light to intervene on our behalf to insure that all unfolds according to the highest good of all concerned.
* We work with light, light, light and the divine love, wisdom and power of our heart flame and individualized Divine Presence.

Your Role as a Oneness Transmitter
role including the requirement of emotional neutrality.
The planetary Crystalline Grid is a powerful means of sending these thoughts and intentions due to its far-reaching capability.
Together, as we make the intention to radiate transforming energies through the Grid to others in need, the magnetic force of Divine Will often uses us as a conduit for the energy transference, and, if in accordance to the highest good of all concerned.
Leading up to September 17th, we encourage everyone to tune in and transmit through the Crystalline Grid as a part of your daily meditation practice to help build the field.

Launching this Sunday, September 17