In this time of shift on Gaia, we can all use a daily dose of good news. The GoodNewsNetwork, founded by Geri Weis-Corbley, specializes in heart-warming community-in-action stories. Below is a short history from the About page on their website.
“Since 1997, people have turned to the Good News Network® as an antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced in the mainstream media.
“From its beginning in 1997, the website has been a clearinghouse for the gathering and dissemination of positive news stories from around the globe.
“We’ve built a community of people enthused by positive news, eager to participate with each other, and dedicated to the enrichment and inspiration of all.
“We are creating a shift in the public’s paradigm of what news should be. (It should fairly reflect society today and humanely serve the society of tomorrow. We want to spark that transformation.)
“So this website was created in order to report on outstanding citizen action, innovative solutions to the world’s problems, and to shatter negative stereotypes in the public regarding race, governments, politicians, religion, corporations, Hollywood, public schools, and inner cities.
“It was also specifically created to be a for-profit business in order to finally prove the founder’s precept that good news actually does sell.
“Changing broadcasters’ belief about what kind of programming ‘sells’ is critical to getting more positive programming on the air.
“The Good News Network® features links to stories around the world, but also original news articles by the Good News Network editors, and contributing authors and columnists like David Ignatius, Jeanne Marie Laskas, David Suzuki, Karen Armstrong, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Carol Adrienne.
“There are plenty of benefits when you read lots of good news,
not the least of which is health.”
“One person has been the force behind creating and updating the website since it was first launched in her lakeside home.
“The woman dubbed a ‘Good News Guru’ by the Washington Post has grown the business while raising three kids.
“Geri Weis-Corbley became the first expert in the field of positive news in the U.S, and today her website serves millions of page views each month and is growing exponentially (as are her kids, now young adults).
“With 35 years of experience in television and online news media, she has been a producer, director, editor, and videographer.
“Geri has worn every hat in her business, but most importantly she is the author of thousands of news articles and essays on almost every topic.
“She has spoken on TV and radio and as a guest speaker, extolling the benefits of a regular dose of ‘News to Enthuse’.
“Her website has been highlighted by Katie Couric on the CBS Evening News, featured on NPR, the BBC, in Rolling Stone and numerous publications.
“Geri first conceived of the Good News Network in 1982, two months into her first job after college, working in TV news in Washington, D.C., freelancing for companies like CNN.
“She told her colleague there should be a ‘good news show,’ but he informed her that good news doesn’t sell.
“Still, the idea gnawed at her like sand in an oyster, and that gnawing only became worse as she wondered how long it would be before her 5-year-old son began actually listening to the news being broadcast around him.
“In 1997, after teaching herself to code in html, the Good News Network, on a simple yellow background, was born.
“Gen. Colin Powell, Former Sec. of State, wrote to Good News Network saying, ‘I enjoyed reading the positive stories… Keep up your good work’”
Did you know that we can subscribe to
“A Morning Jolt of Good News” ?
It’s a beautiful way to start the day
and a great way to hold the highest vison
for our Nova Earth.
Thank you, Geri.