Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
This lengthy update contains the key factors affecting our Ascension process at the moment. It is intended to provide some clarity on the cosmic events, effects of the last Gateway, and why Solar activity is so intense.
Apply hyperimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.
Events and Effects of the August-September Unfoldments
Convergence of the Trinity Stargates
The Trinity Stargates opened the flows of direct Solar Cosmic Christ frequencies from Source. This is an ongoing Solar rewrite on a stellar, planetary and incarnate level. As the gates converged on Solaris (the SUN) during the eclipse, it altered its prismatic effect, which in turn will change the way form is projected on Gaia.
We use the SUN to project our consciousness into these denser realities. When the SUN received the Cosmic Trinity encodements from the stargate convergence, so did we. It is a vital step in projecting a more crystalline form via our DNA. It also effects Gaia’s expression in form, as well as Solaris. Increased Solar flare activity is supportive of this Solar-system-wide shift.
Related article: Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN
Entering the Galactic Hot Zone and Harmonic Barrier Release
Two key events are unfolding at the moment. We are traversing the vibrational edges of the Galactic geometric hot zone which creates dimensional-shifting, reality-expanding dynamics. Cosmic Stargates serve as a conduits to this area of space, threading light between higher and lower realities. These stargate flows ease our entry, so we aren’t hit with intensely higher light all at once. However, the initial effects on the SUN and our consciousness are evident since the eclipse.
The stepping down of frequencies by the Galactics will soon come to a close. We can see and feel the effect of this colossal Galactic geometric hot zone already. The Divine Will of photonic density is evident, and we just touched the vibrational edges of this area.
The second item of importance is the release of harmonic frequency barriers. These veils or layers of light (they look like vast radiant silk scarves to me, perhaps that’s where the veil terminology came from) were released with the eclipse alignment. There are several layers to these harmonic barriers, which create the illusion of separation between expressions of Self, planets, dimensions, etc.
We were able to glimpse through the barriers by accessing the Higher Realms. Now our consciousness must adjust to the sensation of their absence. The sensation of time acceleration (more events at a faster rate) will assist in speeding up this realization. Kindwhile, attune your consciousness and feel the freedom. Our thoughts and telepathic intentions travel much faster between dimensions.
Related article: Cosmic Steering Committee: Convergence of Stargates
Complete activation of the Crystalline Grid and New Earth Grid Systems
The Crystalline Grid is a sentient structure. It activated to full capacity during the August Gateway, creating pathways to the interuniversal, intergalactic, and interstellar Gateways. Thousands of crystalline pyramids, crystalline structures, temples, crystal beds and etheric geometries were activated – and continue to activate.
These ancient structures are encoded to activate in tandem with the crystalline grid to usher in the Primary Timeline experience and the Divine Christed HUman template. Another reason many of you feel Divine, blissy, changed, and in the midst of reformation. Some of these structures appear to be rising in visions; awakening to the clarion call of zero-point photonic demands.
Yes, this booting up affects the elementals, and the collective consciousness, which also affects the elementals. The interface of the Crystalline Grid, Stargates and Photonic density opens us to a LOT of information and light, which triggers DNA to align with the new realities. This opens us up to a fluid Now-moment experience of all expressions of Self, simultaneously merging and expanding into purer Source-awareness.
Related Article: Crystalline Grid Activation
Christed Crown Activation
Sacred geometries, symbols and brilliant light of the Christed Crown continue to expand since the eclipse passage. The traditional crown chakra is not applicable here. Crowns of light, which appear in many forms, are manifesting as expanding layers of crowns, and are also manifesting around the heart. This is True Divine HUman DNA bi-locating into our cellular structure and energy fields, and activating due to all of these cosmic factors.
Related article: The August Eclipse, Metaphoric and Mystical
Primary Timeline Access
All of these events; the Stargate convergence, entry into the Geometric Hot Zone, Harmonic barrier release and Christed Activations, are granting willing, heart-centered Souls access to the Primary Christed Timelines. Embodiment is key to a collective experience of the higher timelines, and we are fully supported by these cosmic events to create this en masse.
Primary Timelines are a very strong vibration; it does take focus and consistency to resonate with them. However, we are being blasted with influxes of pure photonic, Source-encoded, reality-shifting light. This enhances the lifting, raising sensations of Ascension; the pull of the high-heart and heart center.
With all of the cosmic factors converging in this Now, we have a Divine opportunity for complete transformation. Bifurcation of timelines will exponentially increase after the Equinox. Let the Light change you for the better. Decree your creation, create a new version of your Highest Self. Primary Timelines were created for creativity; the New Earth vibration of HUman Source-In-Carnate.
Galactic Life Review
A type of Galactic Life-review may present during this passage. The Gaia-bound version occurred in 2012 for many. Now we have a completion of expressions across timelines, dimensions and star systems. You might see this in lucid dream state or rapid-fire visions. It may get Universal depending on your journey.
This is a side-effect of the Photonic Light and release of the harmonic barrier; Higher Light gains momentum, organizing, sorting out, vibrationally merging the fractals of Self on a Universal scale. Non-linear visions of Galactic Selves, blending of personal timelines, and the familiar sense of closure or completion expands to the Galactic Level.
Stay flexible with your beliefs about what is possible, where you are going, or who you are. As we transcend archetypes and experience life without the vibrational roof, the illusion of the lower realities and what we created here will fade. The Primary Timelines provide launching pads to completely undefinable experiences.
September Intergration
The integration week influx of the Full Moon delivered Solar flares and massive amounts of plasma and crystalline frequencies, aimed at revealing and activating our awareness of the Now reality. You may sense this: We are experiencing the pure force of Divine Order and the Primary Timelines. And it is strong stuff.
Last SUNday’s announcement of incoming light arrived just hours before the latest X-flare (I only had time to post to social media before our Meditations began.) In my experience the consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting energies during our Unity Meditations were the strongest I have felt so far. Granted, I have been holding space and engaging in this activity for 17 months now, so my perspective is sensitive, however the undeniable alchemical merge was palpable.
New Earth Gateways: Gatekeeper Focus
Gatekeepers received the message to focus on New Earth Gateways this month. These pathways will allow prepared consciousness to experience Primary Christed Timelines, eventually leading to a complete merge of dimensional expressions; lower and Higher Selves expressing as One on the New Earth level.
The Equinox and Cosmic Trigger
Strong cosmic forces are in play right here, right now. The next weeks reveal that our reality choices – collective and personal – are being honored and amplified in a brand new way. Traditionally it had to do with magentics, vibrational match or mismatch. This month takes us into a higher comprehension of what it means to engage with Divine HUman evolution. If it is something I can define in words next month, so be it.
Upcoming Cosmic Events: Collective Participation and Focus
September 13-17: Gatekeeper Cosmic Stargate Interaction
SUNday September 17: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm PT – Beaming from our live event in Sedona for the last meditation.
Tuesday September 19: New Moon at 10:30pmPT: Opening for the Equinox Gateway
Friday September 22: Equinox at 1:02pmPT
Saturday, September 23: Cosmic Trigger, Timeline Shift
SUNday, September 24: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Divine Reflection: The Invisible Presence
Ascending Souls become Sacred reflections – mirrors of the Divine Light. Rather than the classic mirror dynamic, reflecting lessons and ego-mind-emotions of the lower levels, Divine HUmans may become clear, crystalline, pure prisms. This Solar aspect of the Solar Cosmic Christed HUman shows others the Divinity within themselves.
If you are able to hold that Divine Light with integrity and grace, as a neutral conduit of the Higher Levels, your DNA will vibrationally match the frequency of the New Earth expression. That is a passcode to the Gateways of New Earth and Primary Timeline experience. It is a fine intention for this sacred passage of our Ascension.
Blessings to all of us in these perspective-expanding moments in the Now.
In Love, Light and Service,
“Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations,” by Sandra Walter, September 12, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution