Sunday, September 17
Our Unified Planetary Focus
Assisting Humanity through the “Dark Night of the Soul”
Three Synchronized Transferences
Sydney 8pm, Paris 8pm, New York 8pm
World Clock Converter
We are in a period of great initiation for the entire planet, which is demonstrating the deeply-rooted changes required to insure the survival of the human race.
As a result, all that is not in harmonic resonance with the new vibratory emergence is being purged for ultimate transcendence.
The profound effect that this is having upon human consciousness is a crucial initiatory step that is referred to as, the ‘dark night of the soul’. This highly purposeful phase of evolution is when the illusions of the separated self are stripped away. This eventually reveals the true divine nature, and as a result, a more expanded thinking capacity to perceive from wholeness.
We are now witnessing serious turbulence born from the sheer immensity of a dark night of the soul… on global scale.
Highly polarized resistance is stirring mass upheaval, extreme meanness, brutal violence and reactionary outbursts, at all levels. These appear to be the last desperate attempts of the “shadow ego energetic” as it bucks and rears to maintain its foothold, all on a rug that has already been pulled!
These shifting throes also trigger great levels of despair, victimization and the suffering of sentient life.
All of this will most assuredly intensify as the old grid of divisive consciousness continues to dissolve.
The Oneness Transmissions
A Highly Impacting Solution to Emergent World Need
In response to building world crisis, Children of the Sun Foundation re-launches its mission to coordinate a deeply impacting planetary grid transmission program.
“The Oneness Transmissions” deliver focused acts of energy transference, uniting and linking our awakened consciousness to become one purified, highly tuned vibrational field and a sacred conduit for divine intervention.
We are utilizing the far-reaching capability of the advanced Crystalline Grid system as our vehicle of energy transfer. Likened to a spiritual “telecommunications system”, this multidimensional web of light helps us to connect, ethereally and telepathically, to the higher consciousness of humans all over the world.
Launching this Sunday, September 17
Unified Global Focus:
Assisting Humanity
through the Dark Night of the Soul
Through this transmission, we are serving as channels to radiate the transmuting light of Divine Will, the great rehabilitator and evolutionary force that is perfectly guiding our human upgrade.
Our intention is to help eradicate the holographic insert and belief system that entrenches human consciousness on the wheel of needless suffering.
* We are transmitting the light of Divine Grace to penetrate deep into the mass consciousness fields, to initiate a greater redemptive purge of any and all recurring karma programmed into the duality consciousness timeline.
* Divine intervention will be invoked to saturate our planet with the harmonizing light for energy stabilization. We are calling forth inspired solutions, with high priority given to the illumination of mass consciousness and strengthening the bonds of human unity.
* We are projecting our own self-actualized codes of accomplishment through the Crystalline Grid to help empower people everywhere to rise up and out of the mindset that brings on the reflections of separation and extreme suffering.
Calling all Light Bearers to World Service
Dedicate yourself as a sacred conduit to transmit and
radiate the codes of unification to evolving humanity.