Kathleen has shared with me that experiments are underway in various parts of the world around what India is calling a universal basic income (UBI).
Finland, Kenya, India, and Hawaii are either considering it or running programs. Canada is conducting a trial run in an eastern city. (1)
Why not one UBI for every man, woman, and child in the world?
Have I never heard of “NESARA,” you say? Or the TDAs? (2)
Universal prosperity was what was envisaged in the Fifties when Life or Time Magazine talked about automation. The robots would relieve us of household chores and we’d all be enjoying our newfound leisure.
Instead many of us have been put out of jobs and have not shared in the financial benefits of automation. A smaller and smaller elite has.
Now we’re to share in the benefits of technology and progress. The idea is one whose time has come and organized groups and governments are already looking into it.
If they are, that means that the vehicle for conveying a basic allowance to everyone is either already being looked at or is already available. All we need to do is to provide the wherewithal, which it’s our chosen mission, as stewards of the Mother’s wealth, to do.
So let’s see. 7.5 B people x … let’s pick a number from thin air … $100,000 a year (just for the sake of discussion) in monthly payments, putting enough for ten years aside. (3)
I wouldn’t trust my math past this point, but I’ll bet you the figure is manageable.
Planning need not wait for the Reval. Remember that the last act in the creation formula, if I remember rightly, is taking steps appropriate to your creation. And planning is appropriate to our creations.
So I’m looking at the idea and planning, even though I also know that there’s probably no way to plan overly much for what’s about to happen. The numbers are way beyond our present ability even to imagine dealing with.
When we look at the idea of a universal basic income, we have to factor into the discussion the impending abundant flow of our spiritual currency. The Mother has said that a massive heart opening is already underway and, yes, the solar eclipse was a symbol of it but not the cause. She’s the cause. (4)
It’ll bring an internal Tsunami of Love. This will be an awakening of the fourth chakra, the first of a number of stages of enlightenment leading to Ascension.
So we have abundance making its approach at the same time as we’re in the middle of a heart opening. Doesn’t it seem odd that the two should coincide? Abundance flows and love flows as well. For everyone in the world. (5) When you think about it, it makes very good sense to stage both at once. Amazingly good sense.
And the conjunction multiplies joy. The joy of feeling relieved of indebtedness and insecurity is added to the joy of one’s heart opening to a torrent of love.
I can’t imagine the joy I’ll feel meeting up with everyone in the space of transformative and divine love.
What a monumental day that will be, a day that we as a world will never forget.
Even as it just keeps getting eclipsed by what comes after.
(1) Finland and Kenya: “Finland’s guaranteed basic income is working to tackle poverty,” May 15, 2017, at httpss://www.pri.org/stories/2017-05-06/finlands-guaranteed-basic-income-working-tackle-poverty; “Indian politicians consider universal basic income following successful trials,” Juky 28, 2017, at https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/ndia-politician-universal-basic-income-trials-discuss-poverty-employment-a7865541.html; “Hawaii considers introducing universal basic income,” Sept. 5, 2017, at https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/Hawaii; and “Ontario launches basic income pilot for 4,000 in Hamilton, Thunder Bay, Lindsay,” April 24, 2017, at httpss://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/2017/04/24/ontario-launches-basic-income-pilot-for-4000-in-hamilton-thunder-bay-and-lindsay.html
(2) Treasury Direct Accounts. Perhaps Google. Long story.
(3) Once we put forward an initial figure, the discussion can begin about more or less, things to watch out for, reasons why it isn’t a good idea, etc.
(4) “The Mother Promises a Massive Heart Opening – Part 1/2,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=289518; “The Mother Promises a Massive Heart Opening – Part 2/2,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=289519
Mary Magdalene referred to the Mother’s comments later: “Your heart opening has been given to you, yes, and I see some of you who shake your head and say, ‘Well, I don’t feel anything.’” (“Transcript ~ Mary Magdalene: Birthing The New, Heavenly Blessings, August 24, 2017,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/09/01/transcript-mary-magdalene-birthing-the-new-heavenly-blessings-august-24-2017/.)
(5) Universal love because all true love is already universal. Unconditional because all real love must be unconditional. Inclusive, wanting-to-be-shared, happy, alive, swept-clean and ever-flowing love.