Please join us sending Love — writing Love in the air — for all in Florida, hurricanes Irma and Jose in the Atlantic, and Katia in the Gulf of Mexico, all flooding, the earthquake in Mexico, all fires, the war and starvation in Yemen and elsewhere.
An Invocation:
I invoke the Mother/Father One, the Mighty Ones, Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine, and Commander Ashira of UFOG and the Universal Laws of Intent, As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Dispensation, Elimination, Completion and Continuity for Hurricanes Irma, Katia, and Jose, for elimination of all extreme weather, earthquakes, flooding, all war and starvation in Yemen and elsewhere on Gaia, elimination of all control, for humanity to know God is Love, temperate climate everywhere, everything in balance.
Thank you.
We are One.
We are Love.
Love is everything.
Writing LOVE, letters in the air. . .

One-eyed unity with injured Yemeni girl
Posting the Mighty Ones Around Irma and Yemen
By posting the archangels, making a healing/creation chamber, we raise vibrations and frequency, bringing the balance of the higher realms into the here and now. . .
Healing for Irma and Yemen
We post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth
to colour the entire Eastern side of Irma and of Yemen,
those entire sides with saffire blue
for protection, change, trust, hope, peace, serenity.
Then we ask Archangel Michael to please stand
with your Blue Flame of Truth,
at the southeastern corner place.
Next we post Archangel Raphael with his Emerald Flame
and to colour the entire southern side of Irma and Yemen
emerald green for compassion and Love, Who We Are.
We ask Archangel Raphael to please stand
with your Emerald Flame,
at the second corner, the southwest corner place.
Next we post Archangel Uriel, with his gentle Silver Flame
and to colour the entire western side of Irma and Yemen
with shiny silver for truth, beauty, connectedness.
We ask Archangel Uriel to please stand with your Silver Flame
at the third corner, the northwest corner place.
Next we post Archangel Jophiel with his sack of Jophie Dust
to colour the entire northern side of Irma and Yemen
magenta for compassion, forgiveness, beauty, wisdom.
We ask you to please stand at the northeast corner place.
We also ask you, Archangel Jophiel, to please shower
your Jophie dust on all humanity
in extreme conditions on Gaia.
To complete we ask Archangel Gabrielle to stand
with her lilies and her burnished golden trumpet
in the middle of Irma and Yemen.
Her lilies and trumpet are the power of golden truth,
healing, worthiness, forgiveness, gratitude, joy,
pathways to conscious awareness of our wholeness.
Thank you
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Jophiel
and Archangel Gabrielle
One-eyed unity with injured Yemeni girl
Witnessing Yemen’s desperate suffering
Floods in India, Bangladesh and Nepal
An Overview of Hunger Across Africa
Pacific Northwest Fires. . . Smoke and Ash
Fires: Western Canada, Western US, Portugal, Siberia
What Hurricane Harvey Left Behind
I Am Trust
I Am Love
I Am Worth
I Am Hope
When we use the word I Am
we are claiming and declaring our Divinity
and our alignment with the I Am.
We are bringing our self into alignment,
heart, consciousness,
mental and emotional bodies,
physical body,
into alignment with our Universal self,
which is our personal I Am,
into the connection and alignment
with the I Am,
with Divine Mind, Heart, Will, Presence.
The more we
think of our self,
act as our self,
be our self,
within that I Am,
then the more we will be. (1)
(1) An abridged answer to my question about the I Am during SK’s teaching, the Law of Dispensation, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, “Sanat Kumara on the Law of Dispensation”, November 1, 2013,