Everyday we say phrases to ourselves that are not of love.
These phrases are created in early childhood during situations we feel are traumatic.
We repeat these phrases over and over. They become the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues that we unconsciously and subconsciously create our reality with.
The false grids and our core issues are not of truth; they are not of love.
At this time of Ascension on Earth we can understand and eliminate the false grids, the entrenched beliefs, so our core issues, mental/emotional constructs, transform.
We can do this with the alchemical properties
of St. Germaine’s Violet Flame
and knowing the I Am.
In this post I will discuss the false grids.
From a traumatic incident in early childhood, generally one incident, we can form a triangle of beliefs, three beliefs connected to the original triangle of mother-father-child, that “God is punishing.”
These entrenched beliefs create over and over, oppression, self cruelty, anxiety, separation, worry, broken trust, doubt, futility, lack and limitation, repeating patterns of physical suffering, injury, illness, disease, lack.
Here are some examples of these small phrases called false grids or entrenched beliefs:
‘I’m not loved’
‘I’m alone’
‘No one can hear me’
The key here is to become extremely aware of these phrases we created when we were young — we repeat them quite unconsciously — to keep a notebook handy, and every time we hear ourselves say one, to write it down.
We can change and empower ourselves with St. Germaine’s Torch of the Violet Flame, the I Am, by eliminating the false grids.
The I Am can be used in this way:
‘I’m not loved’ becomes I Am Loved
‘I’m alone’ becomes I Am One
‘No one can hear me’ becomes I Am Heard
We are here to help many know that God is Love, not punishing.
We eliminate these old phrases
by repeating I Am phrases. . .
in a notebook, on a whiteboard.
Using the Violet Flame
write them in the sky!
We are the new frequency, ones with knowing, here to raise the frequency of the collective.
St. Germaine, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us the Mother’s Tsunami of Love is also raising us up to a frequency of knowing, into higher dimensional ways of being:
“If there were one explanation of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, aside from the cleansing aspect, it is really the water. Think of it as hydroelectric power increasing your frequency, raising you up to a vibration and a frequency where you can transcend the field, and in that transcendence, you have to go somewhere.” (1)
Anchored in our hearts, in heart-knowing — we are raising our frequency to attune with the higher octave — out of the sludge and debris, the phrases we say to ourselves that are not of love:
“So it is like doing a fast or a cleanse where you are getting rid of the debris and you feel lighter and clearer and more harmonious and more creative after the sludge is cleared out — and I know; I have done many cleanses. That is what the rise in frequency is.”
We raise our frequency by getting rid of the debris, the sludge, by eliminating the false grids so we do not recreate injury, illness, disease, lack.
The false grids
are eliminated
by repeating
I Am Love
I Am Trust
I Am Worth
to never recreate
the horrendous past.
(1) ”St. Germaine: We Are Ready For That Final Birthing Push of Nova Earth,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, November 14, 2014, https://counciloflove.com/2014/11/st-germaine-says-we-are-ready-for-that-final-birthing-push-of-nova-earth/