We just got back from the emissary dinner and I wanted to share a few things before I pass out.
In case you haven’t gone to the website and scoured it for the wealth of information there, Tamarinda Maassen is an ambassador of Agartha in human form, born in Romania.
She’s the primary speaker at the Agartha to Humanity Symposium that I’m at with my daughter, as members of the press.
Well, Tamarinda is both lovely and adorable, and my heart is not questioning what’s being represented. It’s why I’m here, really. I mean, if this is all real, everybody needs to know.
I almost don’t want to describe her, because doing so could never capture the essence of the moment. At one point she came to sit at the end of our table to tell us how initiates in Tibet are instructed to drink alcohol. There was lots of laughing but there was a serious point being made. I wish I knew what it was.
Before she got into that though, she made a comment about the weird form she’s in. I think it’s safe to say that she’s referring to her Agarthan physicality, presumably much taller than her human form.
I have loads of questions.
All I can say about her is that she reminds me of the Dalai Lama in the carefree happiness factor.
It just so happened that we were the last to sit down, and Tamarinda sat next to my daughter Merinda. During her story our eyes met many times. It’s Love that I see there.
What un-manifest potential there is in this place!
The drive was just over 70 miles, but traffic through New York City was just awful. May angels bless all those who have a tough commute to work every day.
We didn’t make it to the hotel in time for registration, and none of the things that were on the schedule seemed to happen. The Symposium doesn’t actually start until tomorrow anyway.
While loitering in the lobby, I met some of the other folks here for the same reasons as we are.
There was one lady from Australia, a couple from Belize, a lady from Montreal, one from Delaware and another from New York.
Our dinner companions were from California, and two more from New York. The table was quite long.
The cool thing is that everyone present was someone you could talk to about any number of topics that normally don’t come up in conversation.
One of the remarkable things that seems to run as a theme for the vast majority of Lightworkers is isolation.
It shows up at gatherings and it shows up in our “Contact Us.”
We all feel it, every day when we have some kind of super nifty realization and it would just be awesome if there was someone we could share it with in person, face-to-face.
It’s a specific kind of loneliness, and it speaks to a basic human need that’s hard wired into our physiology…we need tribe.
So what I wonder is, now that we’ve been unleashed and washed clean by the eclipse, how long before we start magnetizing into clumps like that stuff in an Etch-A-Sketch?
Anyway, tomorrow holds what I anticipate will be the absolutely most fascinating thing I may ever have experienced. I’ll share as I’m able. Internet isn’t great here and I have literally no idea what the day will be like.
We’re out of the cave right now, and lately being out has not been a fabulously comfortable place to be for any length of time, much less for several nights.
And it’s already been getting kind of crazy-busy leading up to this being-away thing.
At the same time though? It feels very much like our time waiting is gone, gone, gone.