Today is World Humanitarian Day. Help us stand up for the protection of civilians and aid workers.
Today, Saturday, August 19th is World Humanitarian Day. This day is held each year to recognize the efforts of aid workers, who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and the people they serve.
This year’s theme is #NotATarget, a social media call-to-action asking you to refuse to stand by as civilians, patients, medical workers and hospitals continue to be targets of attacks by armed groups around the world.
Humanitarian aid, and the people who deliver it, are increasingly threatened by belligerents in conflicts. Close to 60 health structures belonging to or supported by Doctors Without Borders have been bombed since 2015 in places like Syria, Yemen, South Sudan and Afghanistan. These ongoing attacks have caused intolerable suffering, death and destruction.
By sharing the message #NotATarget with your networks on social media, you are standing in solidarity with aid organizations like Doctors Without Borders and our patients, and demanding that civilians, aid workers and healthcare structures be protected.
Join the Conversation on Social Media using the hashtag #NotATarget
Right now, millions of people across the world are caught in conflict. These people should not be targets of violence. All of us deserve access to lifesaving humanitarian care, and those who provide that care should not be the targets of violent attacks.
Please let the world know that civilians, patients, aid workers and hospitals are #NotATarget.
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