By Sandra Walter, August 12, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers have been diligently preparing the grids and Gateways for the maximum effect of the Solar Eclipse energies and upcoming September Equinox trigger points. Take note of the still points as they present; the zero-point stillness of the timeline shifts.
The eerie stillness of time stopping (regardless of ambient external activity) is stepping up again; feel into the background activity of zero-point seeping into these lower realities. These are our Ascension Gateways, opening pathways to New Earth and beyond; they penetrate and override time dynamics. Breathe and feel it when you notice this occurring; familiarize yourself with Gateway openings so you can identify them easily.
Cosmic Stargates: Cosmic Trigger Focus for Gatekeepers
Our work largely involves the Cosmic Stargates at the moment, since the inevitable timeline split is already in progress.
Several options of experience are presenting; a fractal explosion of possibilities as the planetary consciousness releases itself from density.This is an exciting moment for Starseeds and Wayshowers in service. Our crystalline DNA encodements will be vibrating with multiple star lineages in order to create a resolution effect of the lower experiences, which reveals the new co-creation of Source intent on a larger scale.
Cosmic Stargates are pathways of pure light which prepare the gateways of Ascension, the primary Christed timeline experiences, and assist in our transcendence to higher levels of consciousness. Ultimately, they are connected to the Universal rewrite; Source’s command for purification. These stargates unify dimensions and densities; the grounded work of Gatekeeping here, and the higher vibrational Gateways of New Earth and beyond.
The Cosmic Stargate influence during this passage is strong. Strong rays of pure light, very present in visions, beam through the body, Gateways, Grids and Sacred sites, and into the crystalline core of Gaia. You may have had the flashing and beaming visions during meditation over the last few years; now they appear in every calm, mindful moment. Your sleep state is also an opportunity to receive these influxes; do your invocations and intentions before resting or sleep.
The stargates continue to prepare the Ascension-bound and the planetary consciousness for a more palpable experience of higher timelines and transcendence. You may choose to co-create with these flows of sacred interdimensional light. Surge this light through all Universal levels, Galactic levels, Stellar levels, Solar system levels, planetary levels – unifying our own solar system in peace and goodwill. Direct the Sacred cosmic flows into Gaia, with the intention of revealing her Ascended Self as a palpable reality for all concerned.
Feel the peace and the joy of these stargates. You may sense the divine promise of the return of crystalline consciousness. Become at ONE with these pathways of pure light; they are crystalline-DNA encoded, so it does require a vibrational match to engage with them.
We are currently in the August 11-13 Cosmic Trigger; a turning point for intensification of the Solar Eclipse Gateway. The Higher realms are working with us to shift global events to higher outcomes. Be sure your prayers, thoughts, Gridwork and Hearts are aligned with this activity so we may co-create with this activity of Divine Will for the highest interests of all concerned with Ascension.
SUNday Unity Meditations
We bring our Higher Selves to the weekly Unity meditations, engaging with the unified field which has been created over the last year by thousands of Ascension-bound Souls. This field holds the intention for peace, harmony, balance, healing and Ascension. It supports the collective HUman Heart grid, and allows the pure vibration of the Divine HUman available to all willing participants, as well as surging Ascension codes through the grids, Gaia, and all of creation.
Many Gatekeepers, in this realm and beyond, open pathways of pure light during these connections, amplifying timeline-shifting dynamics and the Gateways of Ascension.
Allow this activity to open your heart, raise your light quotient, support and prepare you. Visualize and feel all of the beloved lightworkers participating in these global meditations. Often we appear as our higher selves in a giant circle around the planet. Feel the unity through the heart; the healing, the support, the love, the gratitude. Honor this pure intention of divine service.
We unite as one heart, one force of pure Source consciousness. We send forth this pure light substance to Gaia’s crystalline core, the spiritual SUN now emanating pure light through all of her expressions. Touch it with your consciousness. Expand this light through all expressions of Gaia, the kingdoms, the elementals, grid systems, the HUman heart grid, and all Lightworkers in service. We create and radiate a massive brilliant field of pure light. Command and radiate peace, love, light, harmony, balance, stability, and Ascension.
Set and reset your intentions often. Intend to open the Christed gateways within, to serve as a pure conduit of the Ascension, and show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension. Then take action on demonstrating peace, love, expansion of Christ consciousness, and amplification of pure light through all realms.
We intend to gather as many willing Souls as possible during this fascinating timeline-shifting, transcendent year of 2017. Most of you understand the importance of daily invocation; the resetting of energy fields and intentions at the start of each day. This practice can assist with grounding as the expansive energies make us feel more higher-realm than denser-realm.
In the name of the Divine HUman aspect of Source that I AM, I welcome the conscious unification with my Higher Self, Christed Self, Multidimenisonal Self, and Pure Source light consciousness.
I AM Divine Light. I AM Divine Love. I AM Divine Will. I AM all that I AM.
I fully accept these Ascension codes, harmonics, sounds, tones, colors, cosmic rays of evolution, and flows of pure photonic light into my cells, fully activating the crystalline structures within me, activating the highest quality DNA, and the Divine state of Unity/Christ/Crystalline consciousness. I open myself as a pure conduit of Source, the highest orders of light, and the pure and true Ascension. So be it.
Blessings from the Mountain
Divine Love to all during this beautiful and transformational phase of our Ascension. Remember to get outside often, connect with the SUN, and keep your heart creative, open and willing to explore the unknown. Keep your Solar eclipse plans simple; allow space to focus and receive the Divine Light activations on behalf of the collective.
Extensive Intel on the August Gateways can be found HERE
In Love, Light and Service,