In another article, I said:
“All of us are ascended masters. We’re ascending again taking the rest of the world with us. How? By entrainment.” (1)
What is entrainment? The birds show me every day, outside my window.
Just like fish, they travel in groups and turn on a dime or fly in vast circles. They wheel like ballet dancers. Their situation is usually described as “entrainment.
What is it? Let’s listen to the Company of Heaven discuss the notion. Archangel Michael explains it this way:
“You have a term on Earth, a word, called entrainment. And the example is when you see schools of fish in the beautiful, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean where you are all headed, spiritually, that swim one way and then without explanation, as a collective, change direction. You see it in flocks of birds, and you see it in human behavior. You tend to think of it as trends or patterns of behavior.” (2)
As an example, he tells us that the angels and archangels are in entrainment with the Divine Mother.
“We are in complete entrainment with the Mother. So we do not vary from that flow, from that ebb. If there is a thought, a desire, that then becomes a creation and a variable in the plan, then we are all flowing with it continually. So there is never any discord.
“Now, that does not mean that we do not have unique and specific roles within that field, because we do.” (3)
Another good example is the difference between the lightworkers of today and the sages of yesterday. Michael says that we’re working by entrainment, whereas the possibility was not clear to the sages.
“While the journey to enlightenment … was an individual undertaking, there was also a knowingness that you had a sense of responsibility of bringing others along. …
“Yes, you are not looking for students or followers. What you are truly doing, yes, as pathfinders, you are showing the way, but you are also bringing along the collective in entrainment.
“Now the sages did not think of this, of their journey as a process of entrainment of bringing the entire collective along. You do. And when I say ‘you,’ I mean the current thinking and body of understanding and knowing in the lightworker community. So the fundamental premises have changed. (4)
Are there synonyms for entrainment? One might be collective will, as Michael explains.
“Think of collective will in some ways as a very powerful entrainment. …
“Collective will is in fact sparked, activated, entrained, by those individuals who are willing and able and ready, and actually moving in action to show the way. Now that does not mean – think of the entrainment of a school of fish – that you are always at the head of that school of fish. Because there are many roles, including those who are in the middle of the school and do not break away but continue this wondrous pattern of cooperation and harmony, and those who are at the tail end who do not sit and sulk and think, “Oh, I am at the end of the row here.” So, it is that beauty but it is sparked by individual will.” (5)
The Pleiadian Light give us another example of the knowledge of extraterrestrial life which, because of starseed energy and awareness, is seeping into the collective consciousness in part by entrainment.
“The reality of extraterrestrial life is that it is seeping into the common consciousness on a daily basis. This is happening due to the increasing number of individuals on Earth carrying extraterrestrial energy.
“The energy is present through the resonance of walk-ins, starseeds, soul braids, bright new expanded children, and the multitude of lightworkers with extraterrestrial past-life connections. They are holding extraterrestrial energies and spreading them by entrainment, conscious interactions, and blending with your world subconscious, which already knows that you have an extended family on other worlds.” (6)
Another close synonym is collaboration. Of it Michael says:
“In community, collaboration is going to enhance – not indefinitely delay – but enhance. Because what you are doing is coming together with the best parts of you to truly create for self and for the collective. That is how the entrainment happens. Everyone is saying, ‘Yes. This is a great direction. Let’s go!’ (7)
Other close synonyms are shared values, behavior patterns, trends, fads, fashions, manias, traditions, ways of life, etc.
How does entrainment work. Michael explains that too:
“Now, how does that work? And how does one change what has been the, shall we say, the old will, which is not Divine Will, into this alignment with Divine Will? This is one of your primary activities, actions, in terms of being the Mother’s implementers of Nova Earth and the bringing forth, the building, the creation, the anchoring, the establishment – not only of Nova Being – but of Nova Earth, Nova Collective, Nova Humanity. When there are enough of you, and I would suggest that you are basically there, to say, ‘We are going to go with an act of will generated by love. We are going in this direction.’
“Now, the rest of humanity may not know all the fine-tuning, all the detail, but it is sufficient that they say, ‘Yes, this feels right, on every level, everybody. This feels right enough for me to move in harmony with this group.’ That is the building of unity and community. And, in fact, it is done not just by love, but as an act, an action of will.” (8)
Michael goes into more detail:
“So you say, ‘Well how do we do this?’ And what I suggest to you, first of all, there is the acceptance piece. It is the acceptance that you are in alignment – and that you have done your work, of course – with Divine Will. And that you are willing to step forward, and either at the front, the middle, behind or somewhere in between, take a certain direction that is in alignment with will and love, and all the Divine Qualities, because they are all one thing anyway.” (9)
On another occasion he said it wasn’t a matter of people going it alone.
“Why I have used the example of entrainment of a school of fish [is because] it is not a single fish going off and riding the currents. It is a large, large group of you moving together…and there is power and safety and wisdom and talent and a whole variety of capacities within that school.” (10)
Michael suggests that we ‘”consciously or unconsciously, without having labeled it as such, that you have been doing this. And you actually have been doing it for some time. And, I do not simply mean since 2012, which was a landmark decision and a landmark redirection, but as a collective – not everybody, but enough of you – have been doing this for quite some time.” (11)
If we want to watch entrainment, look how fast a fad can spread. Slashed jeans, for instance. Look how many children affect a certain slang or dialect, which they later shed as adults. Look at how tastes in foods ripple through our society – we even speak of them as “the taste of the month,” “the flavor of the week,” etc.
We watch the same TV programs, go to the same movies. All of this is entrainment – the mechanics of it.
The human capacity for entrainment can manifest in ways that are beneficial and empowering. If you’ve ever been present at a mass worship in India for an avatar, you see a wonderful example of entrainment. And entrainment of this type is what will happen for us at some point around ascension, in my understanding.
A growing sense of unity, community, or oneness leads to entrainment in many areas, without violating our freedom of choice. We simply freely choose to follow the same general direction.
So entrainment therefore involves the following of the same notions, directions, and trends in society that a few leaders, wayshowrs or pathfinders carve out for us, in alignment with the Divine Plan and Will.
It’s entrainment that will have people welcome the galactics and opt for peace and harmony instead of conflict and war.
(1) See “Mastery: The Ability to Integrate” at
(2) “Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One,” Jan. 25, 2014, at
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.
(5) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Understand the Divine Gift of Will, AHWAA, September 22, 2016,” at
(6) “The Pleiadian Light: Disclosure Update, 2013,” April 30, 2013, at
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.