Dear friends,
I am Mary, mother of Jeshua. I greet you all in love and kinship. We are of one and the same family, connected through the heart and never really separated from one another. Only in the illusion of material reality do we seem apart and separated, but in reality everything is connected.
Souls cannot be separated, only bodies can be. Bodies are bound to time and space, but souls are not bound. Souls are continually in connection with one another and in a process of energetic exchange, even though this is not always perceptible to your everyday consciousness.
Why do I say this now? Because I want to make you aware of the network of energies in which each of you find yourselves during everyday life. You are the center of a web, of a field of energies that is comprised, most of all, of soul energies: the souls of those people around you whom you love.
But there is also a wider circle of souls with whom you are connected, not all of whom are here on Earth, but who still belong to you in some manner. And there are also souls who are waiting for you, whom you still do not know, but who want to be touched by your light and your consciousness.
Each of you is called to bring consciousness to Earth in this time of change. And in addition to confronting your own inner pain and becoming aware of your own great strength, it is also part of your path to share your insights and your heart-consciousness with those around you. Doing this also brings you inner healing, the one task not being separate from the other.
I ask you now to be very still inside and to breathe gently into your abdomen. Just relax and allow the energies of stress and of hustle and bustle to wash off you through the light that I radiate toward you. Feel the light around you like a shower and let it take away the stress, anxiety, and busyness so you become quiet inside and begin to feel where you stand in that network, that field of energies, through which you are connected.
Let your consciousness descend into the area of your abdomen, into your pelvis, and feel how there is a center of awareness there that is very well grounded and calm, and does not think so much, but experiences and knows. Descend there and look around with fresh eyes from that center in your body, and sense if you experience pressure somewhere, maybe from the external world toward your body.
When I say your body, I especially mean the body’s energy field that you are, your aura. Sense in your being where there is unrest or discord, but stay in your abdomen. Do not think about what is going on in your being, just observe it, and simply imagine that a shower of light flows over you and washes away the pressure or stress that is there.
Then come back to the center of your abdomen and imagine that you are in a network of energies, that you are one link in that network. Look around you to see the faces of people with whom you are closely linked. Just look quite neutrally at who appears there.
Take one person who stands out for you at the moment and, purely from your abdomen, look at the energetic exchange between you both. See if there is a balance between giving and receiving; if it feels right for both of you, or if there is something missing.
At the level of the abdomen, there is a fundamental exchange with the other, although there is often an undercurrent that is not expressed entirely in words. Become aware of that flow, which is very fundamental in all your relationships. Do you feel at ease there, do you feel seen? If you are, then it is good.
But If you do not feel at ease, if there is a vague feeling of discontent or you are not sure, then look at that discontent very carefully, because that is the level which contains the essential information you need.
It is intended that each of you brings his or her soul all the way down to the level of the abdomen, to the earthly level, so it can manifest there. Also, at this level, the soul speaks to you. If you sense your relationships sufficiently at this level, your light will spread into the world because it has grounding in your earthly emotions, in your humanity.
Now move upward to your heart and become aware of the spaciousness of your heart. From the perspective of your heart, take another look at the relationship that is the focus of your attention and feel the connection between you and the other, or the possible lack thereof.
The heart is more spacious than the abdomen, it can often see things from a different vantage point because it is connected to your soul. But the heart knows that a good connection must also feel right at the level of the abdomen and that there must be, on the human level, a balance between giving and receiving.
Now let go of this specific relationship and feel yourself as part of a network, a field of relationships. Feel how much light wants to flow toward you from that field; all kinds of intelligences, of living souls, are connected with you.
There are those who are less bound to time and space and who have a wider perspective than you, because they are free from bondage to the Earth. Feel in this moment their light and assistance, and feel how they want to support and encourage you in your work on Earth. They create much joy and light within you, so receive it and feel supported.
You are doing consciousness work, which is more important than you think. It is work that has great capability and scope, and is not only for you, personally. The souls that befriend you from the other side offer their cooperation to support you in that work, so receive their love. Let your aura be filled with the light of that other world that you know very well, a world of lightness and freedom and comfort. Let it flow through all your body cells, from your crown to your feet.
I thank you for your inner work and I salute you with gladness and joy.
© Pamela Kribbe
“Mother Mary via Pamela Kribbe: Everything is Connected,” July, 2017, at