Every time I breathe transformative (sacred, real) love up from my heart, I go into ecstacy for a moment.
I noticed today that I’ve never, ever said: “Oh. Love.” Or “Yeccch, not more love.” It’s always “Oooooohhhhhhh, looooove.” (1)
Love is irresistible. Love is always new.
And it leads to things.
I want to hug everybody when I experience this type of love. I’m moved to get out there and spread the love, which insists on being spread.
It’d be impossible to be in this form of love and not get along with people. But lest that sound difficult, the love that we feel is available to all; it cannot be channeled; it doesn’t discriminate among people or anything else for that matter.
If it goes out at all, it goes out to all. Therefore there’s no work for us to do, except love.
The mere sight of the beloved sends me into transformative love. That means, for me, that I wander around in love most days.
As pleasant as that is, most spiritual experiences don’t last. We get them and lose them and get them and lose them. So it is with me. I’m in and out of the experience of love.
But the more times we go in and out, I believe, the more of the experience lasts until one day – we know – it’ll be permanent.
Michael said to me, long ago it now seems, that I’d be able to visit higher states but not stay there. (2)
Until we all get to stay there, this is the best it gets – intermittent bouts of such strong love that I … well, that’s it on that.
I’m not complaining that I’m only intermittently in this higher-dimensional form of love. I’m very, very grateful for every minute I spend in it.
I’m just sharing. I’m certain that you’ll never hear me complain about experiencing love.
(1) Or as a dear meditation master would say, “Drrreeeaal lufv, drrreeeaal lufv, drrreeeaal lufv.” (Real love.)
(2) “Visit don’t stay.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, May 6, 2013.)