What is Meant by Subspace? Arcturians through Dr. Suzanne Lie
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Dear Arcturians,
What is meant by “subspace?”
Dear Suzille,
Scientists have researched, but mostly have NOT experienced subspace. But, subspace is not a concept that your third dimensional, or even your fourth dimensional brain can understand without some direct experience. We see that you watch many “sci-fi movies” which often provide the best description.
The reason for this is that movies can present the experience of the actor in the movie. If you can merge your consciousness with that actor, then you can expand what the script has the actor saying and move your consciousness into the “emotions and feelings” that the actor must be experiencing in order to “give” a good performance in that role.
Also, when you “watch the actors give a good performance,” you can empathize with the characters that they are playing. Then, you can more easily begin to remember other members of your Multidimensional SELF who are sending you the experiences that they are having.
How are they sending you this information? They are sending it via “subspace”, which represents a hypothetical space–time continuum used for communication at a speed faster than that of light.”
If your communications with the different expressions of your Multidimensional SELF were not sent via subspace, it could take an entire lifetime, or more, to receive the first answer that your Multidimensional SELF sent to back you.
Do you remember long ago in the 1990’s when you first realized that your “imaginary friends” were actually your own SELF who resonated to a higher frequency of reality? At that time, you had no concept of multidimensionality.
However, your childhood abduction by the Zetas made it perfectly clear to you that there were beings that lived inside of Starships. Unfortunately, your first meeting with this information was not too pleasant, but you did have some benefits such as the Learning Tree, which the children on the Ship sat in front of to learn about their future.
Of course, all they could learn about was their “possible future.” Since these beings, who were primarily the Zeta Reticuli, were not familiar with humanity, their stories were not very correct.
It is also helpful to realize that the TV Show known as “The X Files” was largely based on a truth that humanity was NOT ready to accept as “real.” However, the show did give those who had been abducted some degree of confirmation that, “NO, you are not crazy. YES, it actually did happen.”
Now, in 2017, things have greatly changed. A visit to a Starship is now thought of as a great opportunity to learn more about your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, rather than being abducted by little beings who looked like the Biscuit “doughboys.”
The “doughboy” beings were from Zeta Reticuli, a star area that was under great change. Because of that change, the Zeta inhabitants were deeply concerned that they would become extinct. Most of them were already sterile, and thus searching for a solution.
Fortunately, more and more humans are experiencing “subspace communication,” and are even remembering how to translate these subspace messages into a form of mental and emotional “knowing,” so that they can actually “channel” the messages and share them with others.