This week, the Golden Age of Gaia looks at some aspects of gender discrimination and persecution in the world.
As I said yesterday, my own background is in gender issues in refugee law. The inherent bias of that approach is that it looks mostly at “refugee-producing” countries.
That means that little of my reading has been in the situation of women in “western” or “First-World” nations, usually deemed “refugee-accepting” countries. Someone else would need to fill in that gap.
Moreover, my own training in the area ceased upon my retirement from human-rights decision-making in 2006. My knowledge beyond that is sketchy.
None of that is an excuse for ignoring the plight of women in the world.
That plight includes keeping women poor, illiterate, and powerless. It includes mutilating their bodies, restricting their right to choose their spouse, enslaving them domestically, and selling them into sexual slavery. The list goes on.
We’re the generation that will soon have the financial wherewithal to put a stop to all forms of gender abuse on the planet. Nonetheless, if more women are not to get raped and killed in the process, we’ll need to proceed with tremendous sensitivity.
Archangel Gabrielle advised us recently: “Those who are tackling [this issue], shall we say – because it is a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual undertaking; it is massive – you must be so grounded, so brave, so filled with compassion.” (1)
People working in this field need to be culturally-sensitive.
“You cannot take your western way of doing things, your values, and try and put them on another culture.” (3)
“So, to use your example, sweet one, if you send, out of the goodness of your heart, $50,000 to an abused woman in Afghanistan, you have insured her immediate demise. First of all, that money will be taken from her and very likely taken from her in a violent way.” (4)
The rising energies are helping us and challenging us. They’re helping us by raising the love quotient in the population. They’re challenging us in that some people, who reject love, are causing chaos and harm in the face of the energies. We have to harness the love ourselves (we’ll need it) and do all we can to end the chaos and harm.
The sources reproduced here are simply introductory. I haven’t the resources to showcase the latest in academic or NGO (non-governmental organization) research. I can only give a few snapshots here, but what they reveal may open a few eyes to the extent of the problem of gender abuse.
(1) “Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle on AHWAA: Start Small, Recognizing the Magnitude of Gender Inequality, June 22, 2017,” at