When we look at our progress towards Fifth Dimensionality, one of the the things we do is factor the physical body into the equation.
We don’t question whether the changes we’re looking for will show up most dramatically in the human body or in the make-up, so to speak, of the person inhabiting the body, who actually is hard to detect because the body is so dense.
I had an out-of-body experience in 1977 which demonstrated to me just how dense the physical body is.
One part of that experience was re-entering the body and realizing that I was not it. It was like my Ironman suit. I was operating all of its capabilities but it and I were definitely not one; we were two.
Oh my gosh, that changes your life. The fear of death just drops away. Poof. Gone.
The body dies. I do not die. I am not the body.
Matter of fact, life outside the body was way better than life inside so don’t try to sell me that “fear death” routine.
Re-entry into the body showed me what a non-conductor the body is. I had to come back from the astral planes to my body because I was weeping. (Long story.) You cannot remain on a plane where you feel uncomfortable. Coming back to the next lowest plane for me meant returning to the physical body.
This same principle will be behind the ultimate leave-taking of many of the recalcitrants. They won’t be able to stand the new, higher vibrations.
Now weeping in your astral body is experienced like wailing. Any strong emotion registers much greater on the spirit body than it does on the physical.
As long as my consciousness was centered inside my body, I was bawling my eyes out. But when my consciousness transferred to the outside of my body, the wail became a whimper. That’s all that got through this India-rubber contraption I was in.
I was thunderstruck. It was a concrete demonstration – a lived-through experience and a realization – of the denseness of the physical body.
So, apart from rejuvenation (and I’m happy with that), I don’t look for changes in my dense body to tell me that Ascension is happening. I look more for an expansion of consciousness and a deepening experience of the divine states.
This has been an Ascension ethnography. You’ve been with me every step of the way. You’ve watched my consciousness expand with each new energy wave or spiritual experience. And tumble with each old vasana or conditioned reaction.
Factoring the body out of my evaluations, for the moment I find I’m happy with the way my consciousness is unfolding. I feel secure enough in the process to allow it to proceed by itself, without undue attention from me. I’m beginning to trust it.