Meet-ups mature like fine wines. I agree with Sitara on their value.
Here in Bellingham, Washington, USA, we’ve been holding a meet-up group once a month for almost three years now, ever since the “West Coast Express,” that Steve and Kathleen embarked on in October of 2014, rolled through town.
Spirit has poked and prodded me to put together this little article on meet-up groups, our group and why Lightworkers coming together as a group on a regular basis is even more important now.
I’ll try to share with you how our group has become an anchor and lifeline for each of us in this time of unbelievable transition. It is the quiet eye of the hurricane of change that is happening everywhere, all around us.
The group allows us the comfort and stability of soul family…our Tribe, as I call it…where we can come together in safety, friendship, companionship and nurturing. I cannot express how important I believe these groups can be for all of us who are poised and ready to get on with the Mother’s plan.
Archangel Michael discussed meet up groups back in 2013 where he explained the importance of coming together in sacred partnership and he explains that it is not just couples but groups as well.
“Listen to your heart. You are being divinely guided and inspired. You have asked us for the tools. Well, this is one of them.” (1)
Steve wrote a piece about the importance of groups after the “Express” experience, with the final meet-up being here in Bellingham. He was discussing the then Vancouver Meet-up.
“We were starved of contact. … The outside world we come into contact with may not approve of what we say or do.
“That’s why coming together in groups, whether for meet-ups or projects, is so important. We now need to feed and stroke each other. If we seek support, approbation, or friendly appraisal, we now need to get it from our teams and groups.” (2)
At that time there were several meet-up groups formed from the journey Steve and Kathleen took which facilitated groups of people coming together to get to know others of like mind in their particular area.
From what I understand, our group here is unfortunately the only one that’s continuing. [Steve: Correct.] I’m not aware of other meet-up groups around the country and I hope we are not the only one. (If there are others, I’d love to hear from you)
Vancouver is only an hour away from Bellingham so Steve, Kathleen and another member from there have continued to join with our meet up group.
“The Bellingham Meet-up, for me, is blending into a soul group. We look out for each other. We plan the future together. We share where it’s at for each of us. We sup together……..We’ve worked years to build [our relationship] and I think we all tend [it] with the care of a prudent gardener.
“I said to the group that our relationship lends me stability and confidence. Stability because, among my personal face-to-face friends, this is the only group I attend where I can be myself.” (3)
I think there are several reasons that ours has lasted and even grown.
• Having a regular, designated day/date for the meet-up (ours is the 4th Sunday each month)
• Having a stable ongoing place/location for the meet-up (we hold it at the same residence each time and make it an all afternoon meeting which includes lunch)
• Having a group facilitator who will email reminders, news, etc., to group members.
• Group members reap great spiritual, emotional, and healing support
• The group creates its own group consciousness of which each member actually becomes a part.
• The group is united in focusing on continued personal growth, awakening and preparing for the work that is to commence after the GCR.
• The group welcomes new people with open arms. Some stick and become continuing members; some self-select out and drift away.
• The core group has been together since the beginning and is only becoming stronger in our connection.
• We have created a completely SAFE space for each person to be able to share their journey.
We have our lunch and socialize with each other to begin. Then we start our meeting with a meditation. Various members have led the meditation at one time or another.
Our group allows enough time for each person to share what their experiences have been since our last meeting. We use a “talking stick” format for sharing.
When one person is sharing we endeavor not to interrupt or comment until that person has finished, so that we do not break the emotional thread of the share.
After everyone has shared and has answered questions or commentary about their share, then we just have a free-for-all conversation around the circle about what’s happening in the world, in our communities, in the news, in our lives. (and eat some more !)
Sometimes our meet-ups can be shorter, maybe 3 hours, but they have gone as long as 6+ where nobody wanted to leave. We love hanging out together as a group. Steve wrote about experiencing this first hand.
“I’ve just come back from the Bellingham, WA Meet-up, which went from 2:00 in the afternoon till 8:00 at night.
“A six-hour meet-up. I’m not sure I’ve ever been at one like it…..I haven’t seen such a committed bunch of people before……People continued sharing and doing healings on each other and on distant people for perhaps two hours after the meet-up formally ended.
“There was a coalescence that occurred that greatly inspired me. …. I also saw the potential of meet-ups in general at that moment. My private, unsubstantiated opinion is that soul groups are forming and we saw an example in this beautiful and spiritual town in the Pacific Northwest.” (4)
Occasionally we’ve used some of the group’s time in healing sessions for group members or family. Some amazing healings have been facilitated.
I believe that, because this group was built on a solid structure and foundation and has committed, as a group, to stick to this format, we’ve not only thrived but progressed in our ascension. Steve concluded:
“I tell you. The value of having a soul family to check in with once a month is incalculable.
“To ride forward into whatever is coming next with one group whom you know to be dedicated Lightworkers is great good fortune.” (5)
Awakening has been greatly facilitated for all members.
I would urge everyone, if you are acquainted at all with other Lightworkers in your community, start a group if you haven’t already. Even if you start with only two or three, trust me, putting out a heart “call” will bring others in and together you can build an incredible gathering which will be invaluable in your ongoing journey.
If I can assist you with any information in starting or keeping a meet up group going, I’m happy to help. The blog can forward your questions to me. Go to “Contact Us” on the Golden Age of Gaia.