The Bellingham Meet-up, for me, is blending into a soul group. We look out for each other. We plan the future together. We share where it’s at for each of us. We sup together.
It must be the most satisfying group relationship I’ve ever been in. (1)
Churchill once said that it takes minutes to destroy what it took years to create. So with a group relationship.
We’ve worked years to build ours and I think we all tend the relationship with the care of a prudent gardener.
I said to the group that our relationship lends me stability and confidence. Stability because, among my personal face-to-face friends, this is the only group I attend where I can be myself.
I find it almost impossible to go very deeply with people who are not alive to what’s happening in the world, seen and unseen. Only half of me is present to the conversation.
But here, one person is talking about spiritual experiences, another about the Canadian genocide of Indian children (say what?), another about the Aurora TR3B. Where else could such a conversation take place? And amicably?
Confidence because I know these folks have my back. If something goes off the rails, I have a group that I can share with and know I’ll get a compasionate hearing. The result is I swing out more. I’m willing to take more risks.
There’s so much talent in the group and so much willingness to take on creating a new world that it creates a “game.” My ears perk up and I hear myself say, “I want to play.”
I highly recommend creating such a lightworker support group or a meet-up in your area.
The only groundrule we have is, when one person is talking, we don’t interrupt their share. Apart from that, let the good times roll.
(1) Setting aside a professionally-organized group like the three-month encounter group once offered by Cold Mountain Institute.