It feels appropriate to share this message from a reader, in part because it demonstrates that each of us is having a different experience of ascension. We all have our respective and unique missions to attend to and it can certainly seem sometimes as though we’re alone in that work or at least isolated from others doing a similar job.
Well I personally found this share to be refreshing, because my energy work often reaches into the realm of the previously unknown and when I contemplate sharing whatever experience I’ve had, it seems unrelatable so I don’t write it up. I can only imagine how many of us have been feeling a bit uncertain about what our work is, that it makes a difference or maybe even that it’s okay to do.
Perhaps all we’re wanting is a permission slip to be able to relax into our own heart’s urgings without second-guessing ourselves.
The truth is that nobody knows better than we do what’s right for us, as long as we’re following inner guidance.
The Share ~
I awoke to my particular mission 4 years ago with the activation of my lightbody, and began what has become a personal labor of love clearing and transmuting energy on the astral plane and repairing the earth energy grids.
I awoke to a full on hallucinogenic (no drugs) vision quest where I connected with the ancient shamans and I was able to have full clairvoyant vision through my pineal gland into these timeline fractals from both the linear past and probable futures and interact with them. It was fascinating!
I became aware that this lightbody of mine was a multi-dimensional vehicle and that I (or we, that is me and my monadic entity) had made a soul promise/contract to help the earth ascend.
My pineal gland stays wide open 24/7, and when I close my 3d eyes, this lightbody unfolds, reaching out about 50 feet in all directions around me.
It looks like thousands of feathers that twist and turn or literally fly as it appears like a huge flock of birds (I finally found a picture of it from the ancient Mayan ruins).
The material of these feathers I can only describe as like a very flexible “graphite” which magnetically attracts the energy, spins and reshapes it, changing it molecularly. It’s amazing!
What drives the lightbody is a series of words and tones sung at different octaves which I can hear, and I finally figured out they were coming from my own vocal cords.
I can feel the electrical connection from my brain to my throat. When I look down at my body in the Astral, it looks amazingly like pure light.
As we move through the Astral Plane and across the earth energy grids, we are repairing DNA, transmuting and reengineering dark energy, thoughtforms and everything in between.
We go into these time fractals, clear the energy and collapse the timeline. This has been an ongoing investigation and as you can imagine, we have encountered everything from alien implants to occult sacrificial alters.
The DNA has been badly mutated which is why we have so much disease. Also as we know, energy is alive and it communicates. This has greatly impacted our cellular memories.
It’s amazing to watch the energy respond in relative joy to our arrival, it all knows exactly what to do and is very lovingly transmuted and released.
It’s all so very important, and together we’re weaving and creating the very tapestry of ascension.
As you know, there is no ascension manual and we’re all learning as we go, because Spirit loves the journey and never gives us all the answers.
It’s ours to discover and create.