It’s a brilliant time to step into being the participant/observer of our lives.
The recent date (2024) given for the fruition of something that we so powerfully and collectively desire has generated some unintended negative reaction. One especially poignant message sent to our Contact Us brought me to write this response, that may be helpful to share.
The message was written by a follower of ascension news for over twenty years. This reader has understood the importance of keeping positive and upbeat. He had been finding it very hard to keep focused with all the new energies coming in, while at the same time waiting for changes to start showing up in a tangible way.
Then he read the recent channeling saying that ascension wouldn’t even be starting until 2024 or so.
As an elder, he felt this information to be a massive blow to himself and to his circle that left them all feeling quite let down.
My Response
I hadn’t read Mike Quinsey’s post until after reading your message. He covered the topic in the very first paragraph:
“Ascension is assured and the time line is strong enough to carry it forward to completion. The year 2024 continues to be the one when it is planned to take place.” (1)
It didn’t take much more reading to intuit what he’s saying.
My feeling is that offering a date of 2024 for completion of our ascension process isn’t such a big deal.
Giving a date is never a great idea either, for this very reason.Think of all the things that will be unfolding in between now and completion.
And contemplate that word as well…completion.
Steve: Suzi has kindly allowed me to add a note here on “completion.”
There will be experiences of expansion – Archangel Michael calls them “snaps” or “ignitions” – along the way. What we think of as Ascension to the Fifth Dimension will happen, not in 2024, but much sooner than that – closer to this end of the time frame.
But Gaia is already in the Seventh Dimension and so will many of us be as well. Mike may have been thinking of not simply Ascension to the Fifth, but the greater process into which it fits.
Of course there’s no end to Ascension; it’s an ongoing process and must be gradual if we’re not to burn out our bodies.
But the return of our abilities, the advent of the lightbody, etc., should all take place many years before 2024.
Please know that your work is known and appreciated. It’s important that we do keep the vibe high, and you really are doing a wonderful job.
Please don’t allow your interpretation of Mike’s message to bring you down for long.
I totally hear you that it could be a trigger for fears that we don’t want to give voice to.
There’s so much going on right now that we can only guess at, and the uncertainty can be so draining.
My heart knows that it’s all good though, and that my actual work here right now is to focus on Love.
I have peace that way because I meditate. I have my own connection to guidance that keeps me in a good and positive space.
It would be a shame if you and yours were to abandon the work of generating the world that we want with our positive and powerful thoughts and emotions. We’re creating it as we go…so please just know that there is literally nothing to worry about.
There was a follow-up to this as well with apologies from our reader for having had a bad day, but the truth of it is that this Human gig is not easy. We all need a little confirmation sometimes that we’re not all delusional.
If we are though, it’s still the best game in town.
Linda Dillon covered this topic on this week’s An Hour With An Angel, airing on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm EST ~
(1) “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 16, 2017,” at