As you all know, readers and listeners to these and other inspiring and uplifting channeled messages, enormous changes are in progress now as humanity enters the final stages of the awakening process.
It has been a long journey for you to return to your point of departure, the place you never left, at peace, in joy, and at One with God. There is nowhere else, therefore you could be nowhere else, and yet it has seemed that you are far, far removed from that state, your natural and eternal state.
When you awaken from the dream you will be amazed, no astonished, at how close to Home, to Source, to Mother/Father/God that you have remained during these apparent eons of separation. Utter joy will wash away and dissolve all your doubts, fears, and the attendant pain and suffering, leaving not a trace of them.
You do not need to remember what you have been experiencing throughout all these unreal and pain-filled life times, and you will choose not to distract yourselves with ancient memories from the utter joy of being at Home in the Oneness that is All That Exists. Words are a completely inadequate form of communication to use here, as also are pictures of the Heavenly state that you might be able to dream up.
Just rest assured that on awakening you will want for nothing and that you will not be seeking anything because you have A L L, and because you are A L L, and that is the state of infinite perfection from which you arose at the moment of your creation.
If you think that this is too hard too believe, you are right! Believing is not very helpful, you need to know! And when you awaken you will know, and all doubts will be gone in the glory of the moment of your awakening.
You are all the beloved children of God, and your place is eternally at One with Him. You never left, you could never leave, you just imagined that you had. And, as powerful divine beings, your imagination enabled you to construct an illusory physical environment in which you were able to very realistically imagine a state of separation from Source, an intensely painful state because all that you are was then hidden from you, by your own choice.
Being lost within the illusion you built has seemingly been a very long and very wearying event. Within the illusion the word “event” is used to describe an occurrence of short duration, and truly the illusion itself is an “event.” It lasted but an instant and was over. But, as with your human memories, you can and did choose to relive it and relive it and relive it!
Now is the moment to cease doing that. Again, as your human lives have so often shown you, recalling memories of pain and suffering can make them appear very real again in the moment of recall, even though in that moment they are not occurring, let alone re-occurring! They just seem real. Many have undergone psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy to release painful memories that keep replaying in their minds, causing great pain.
Memories are a two edged sword, wonderful for happy events and experiences, intensely painful for memories involving suffering. That is one of the many reasons that you are encouraged to live in the “now moment,” the only real time there is.
Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary, and inviting and allowing Love to embrace you places you in that “now moment” from which pain and suffering are excluded purely by reason of your intent to experience only Love, your natural and eternal state of being.
As you become a regular attendant at your inner sanctuary you will find that the Love and the peace that you experience there will become more pervasive in your daily human lives. As a result conflict and painful disagreement will happen less frequently, until you find that you are nearly always at peace, and in that state engaging only lovingly with others, and with whatever situation may arise.
The intent and the decision to go within daily is also the decision to awaken from the dream. It may appear to take a long time because you are conditioned to changes in attitude and behavior taking time, but once that decision has been taken and acted upon,then you have in fact awoken. However, it most likely seems to you that you have not, that you are still operating within the illusion as the human being you were experiencing yourself as before you made that choice.
That is, time, one of the illusory aspects of physicality, still flows, moment to moment, and, as a human who has chosen to enter the illusion to assist in humanity’s awakening process, you too will be experiencing the flow of time. But, you are feeling more at peace, and the guilty sense of shoulds and musts is becoming far less vociferous, far less noisy, and you are finding it easier to engage satisfactorily and lovingly with your daily life.
You are in fact in the process of awakening, and that is definitely reason to rejoice and celebrate.
This moment was divinely planned eons of time ago! And it happened then, instantly! But, because you are free – just as you were created, and as you always remain – and because you chose to engage with and enter the illusion, therefore, until you make the choice and the intent to awaken, you will remain deluded and confused by the illusory environment in which it seems that you have your existence, for as long as you choose to remain in that state.
Many of you think that you made that choice recently or a few decades ago, but if you are not awake – if you were awake you would K N O W it – then you did not set the intent. It has to be set daily, and then you have to “walk your talk” and live and engage with your daily lives only lovingly, and then – as has become a bit of a mantra in the self-help movement – “Fake it till you make it.”
That generally proves difficult for you because your egos keep drawing to your attention the pain and suffering worldwide plus your own memories of the pain and suffering you have undergone. All who enter the illusion as humans experience suffering, because to separate from Source, God, is to suffer!
But most of you are not now, in this present moment, undergoing that suffering, it occurred eons ago! Let go of painful memories, they do not serve you and never have, they just encourage you to prepare for the worst . . . and then that is what you experience! That was why you built the illusion in the first place, to experience the worst . . . SEPARATION. Enough already!
So go within daily, even if only for a moment or two. That’s all it takes to have Love, which is always present awaiting your opening to It, embrace you and bring you peace and the accompanying knowing that you are, in every moment, divinely loved and cherished by your heavenly Father. He is Love and He wants you to know and feel this because He created you for eternal joy without interruption.
Intend to awaken and be consciously aware once more that you are, and always will be, One with Him.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
“Jesus via John Smallman: The Intent and the Decision to Go Within Daily is Also the Decision to Awaken from the Dream,” June 18, 2017, at httpss://