Sanat Kumara broke the news last Hour with an Angel that Kathleen and I had recently entered into sacred partnership. Boy, were we scooped!
We’d just discussed it days before. We hadn’t decided how to mention it publicly. The Cosmic Master of Ceremonies did that for us!
As wonderful as it is, it has consequences. Just a few days before (June 9) I’d had a reading with Archangel Michael and he made it clear that, if we entered into sacred partnership together, both of us would then have to go back to our own blogs.
Both of us need to remain independent decision-makers. There’s to be no “cohabitation” between work and intimacy, he said, nothing that could give rise to “conflictual situations.” At least no mingling yet, he added. Later, yes.
I consider this to be one example of the high standards of integrity that are demanded of us as lightworkers who’ll be involved in humanitarian philanthropy. No nepotism, no relatives or close friends influencing important decisions.
I’ll be contributing to Kathleen’s blog, Voice of Freedom, and she’ll be contributing to GAoG. But even there, not so much as to create a new conflict of interest for either of us.
Among the subjects we’ll be exploring is the balance between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, within and without and sacred partnership. We don’t know what we’ll discover. To use Kathleen’s words, we’re “facing into it.”
Having Kathleen on the blog this past month has energized me. It gave me the confidence to step out in new areas. It introduced me to new concepts that I’ll continue to pursue. I’ll miss her participation.
I know you join me in thanking her for her meditations, interpretive articles, and “good news.”