Our all-encompassing love extends to you now, awakening the presence and truth of love within your being. We are the Venus Beings; we continue to connect with the Earth and her humanity, sending our love vibrations to all.
Our mission is to support Mother Earth in her evolution into a planet of love and to aid those who currently exist upon the Earth in achieving their love initiations and ascension. Our support is available to all. We have much to share with you and remind you of.
We continue to aid all in recognizing the wealth of love within their beings and essence, while encouraging many to realize the power of love, creating actions born from the essence of love within. Our greatest wish is for humanity to live and experience a life of love upon the Earth, experiencing the Creator’s love fully flowing through their beings. Through the embodiment, expression and experience of the Creator’s love, fulfilment is activated and created.
Many may say that to speak of and explore love so deeply and fully is to speak generally of the Creator, to lack focus and depth of knowledge. They may disbelieve in the power of love, recognize love and those who embody the Creator’s love as weak or feeble. The love of the Creator, its power and truth has yet to be explored fully and embodied by humanity, when this takes place humanity will realize that the love of the Creator is one of the most powerful and magical embodiments to experience while living upon the Earth.
A realization will dawn that the love of the Creator is the stepping stones into the heavens and inner planes. A pathway of embodiment, activation, remembrance and expression which leads you into the core essence of the Creator. Those that disregard the power of love, disregard the presence of the Creator, therefore without realizing experience themselves as separate from the Creator.
Our purpose is to support in reprograming your being with the Creator’s love to awaken a deep remembrance of truth.
Seed Codes
Today, we the Venus Beings, bring forth Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing. Seed Codes are akin to very pure vibrations of energy and light which can be embodied to transform and reprogram anything that is not of the same vibration. Seed Codes extend from the core and essence of an energy; they hold the purest frequency of Creator light and consciousness.
It is often that Seed Codes hold a very specific purpose. They can unlock energies, bring forth powerful healing, awaken wisdom which seems to have been lost forever, and distribute sacred information from one planet to another. Seed Codes allow expressions of the Creator such as yourself to recognize the oneness, similarity and unity of the Creator in existence within all, encouraging this to manifest divinely for the greatest good of all.
We, the Venus Beings, are drawing upon the pure energy of our core, our Seed Codes, and bring them to the Earth and humanity where they will be embedded and synthesised to share sacred light, love and information from our planet of love to yours. We wish to invite you to transmit our Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing through your being into the Earth, humanity and your own being, thus embedding the Venus energy into the Earth to share healing with all as well as information concerning the power of love.
The more souls upon the Earth to recognize and experience the power of love for themselves, the quicker Mother Earth’s ascension will become. All will accelerate forward in their spiritual evolution, experience the love of the Creator and all the beautiful qualities that love creates.
Facilitator of Miracles
Through transmitting the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing, we wish to invite you to become a Facilitator of Miracles, for yourself, the Earth and humanity. Love brings the truth of the Creator to the forefront of the conscious mind, it opens up and attracts new opportunities, expands possibilities and accelerates the speed of manifestation.
Before we guide you in becoming a Facilitator of Miracles we wish to share with you our intention for the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing transmission. Our intention is to support all in recognizing and experiencing the power of love within their beings, reality and spiritual growth.
We wish to encourage many to realize that they embody love. This love can be used in beautiful, harmonious ways in their realities to support them in taking responsibility and experiencing fulfilment. When the Venus Seed Codes are shared, they will always awaken the power of love within a being; this may appear as if their determination, strength and inner power is awakening. They may feel inspired to be their truth, to share the Creator love and to assist others in doing so.
When the power of love is activated, miracles occur, thus, you become a Facilitator of Miracles.
Becoming a Facilitator of Miracles:
- Breathing deeply, activate the love of the Creator present within all aspects of your being and body. Ask this love to be present within your chakras, physical body, energy bodies, mind and emotions now so you may experience it fully.
- Ask us, the Venus Beings, to support you by encompassing you in our energy of pure love. Our energy of love will magnify and empower the love present within your being, encouraging your experience of your inner Creator love to intensify.
- Ask the Creator to be present with you, sending energy and love into your being with the purpose of reconnecting you to all that is the Creator, thus allowing the love of the Creator to flow with ease and perfection free from blockages or boundaries of any form. This may feel as if you are synthesising your energy with the Creator in a new way, as if the Creator is present observing all that you are with deep compassion, gratitude and love.
- Invite us, the Venus Beings, to transmit our Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing into and through your being. We will surround your higher heart chakra, soul star chakra, casual chakra and throat chakra with intense vibrations of light as if we are cupping your chakras in our energetic hands. These chakras will assist in you receiving, understanding and delivering the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing.
The Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing will be transmitted into all your chakras where they will merge and synthesize with your energy. Take time to feel and acknowledge the presence of the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing, recognizing how they impact your being. - With a focus on each breath you exhale, allow and encourage your energy to expand to encompass all of humanity and Mother Earth.
- From each of your chakras simultaneously energy flows as your chakras distribute the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing. Now humanity holds the same Seed Codes as you within their chakras, as does Mother Earth. Visualize, sense and acknowledge the Seed Codes present within all beings and Mother Earth.
- Call us forth, the Venus Beings, to transmit our love throughout Mother Earth and humanity, energizing and intensifying the presence of love within all and the Seed Codes anchored. Let the energy build until you feel a powerful and pure vibration of love forming and radiating throughout all beings and the Earth.
- Repeat out loud as if you are speaking to all beings and the Earth, ‘The Creator’s love is our power, love moves through us facilitating miracles and fulfilment.’ You may feel, sense or acknowledge the Seed Codes activating, radiating their light creating powerful and magical transitions. Observe the miracles that are being created and activated within Mother Earth, humanity and your being. These are being created on the energetic and etheric planes first before they anchor into the physical planes for all to experience.Observe the beauty and power of love unfolding. Even if you do not recognize or understand it, it is taking place with ease and perfection. You are reprograming all in order to awaken the power of love and facilitate miracles on the Earth. The more time you give to practicing this exercise and transmission the more powerful it will become until you can recognize the powerful shifts and transmission the Venus Seed Codes of Love and Healing are creating. As well as recognizing that they first are created in energetic or etheric form then with divine timing you experience them on the physical Earth.
Through this process we, the Venus Beings, will begin to reveal to you the divine plan of the Creator for the Earth, humanity and your own existence, encouraging you to recognize with greater understanding how we, the Venus Beings, are supporting ascension and what to expect to experience in your near future and ascension. We, the Venus Beings wish to work in close collaboration with you in reawakening the presence and power of love on the Earth.
In eternal Creator love,
Venus Beings
Read More from the Venus Beings
“The Venus Beings via Natalie Glasson: Become a Facilitator of Miracles,” May 26, 2017, at httpss://www.omna.org/facilitator-miracles-venus/