I plan to rebuild the social-safety net in the City of Vancouver.
I plan to do it by building a nucleus and expanding, expanding, expanding, much the way the sponge grows.
From a nucleus, the sponge just keeps adding on, cell by cell, but always outwards.
Oh, sorry. I just watched David Attenborough’s On the Origins of Life. A friend recommended it. My mind is in the deep end of the ocean.
I’ll take inspiration where I can get it. Let’s let David help us with this.
Our efforts after the Reval to rebuild our communities could grow like the sponge (Porifera). Or they could grow like the colonies (Siphonophorae).
Rather than expanding outward in all directions as with sponges, the colonial creatures trail off into the distance, each unit self-contained but playing its own role in the total community.
I see spiritual communities springing up everywhere, not because they need to, as in previous years, but because they want to. And people come and go with ease. It’s not a big deal.
I see people having shops in a communal setting, again because they want to. Or they work in hospitals, or hospices, or heaven knows where.
Or they compose music. Or paint. Or dance.
While the younger generation may not have had the opportunities we did inside corporations, they have networking experience that we seldom if ever developed. Well, not many of us, I bet. And not to the extent they have.
A single person networking cannot get the experience that a whole host of people can. A whole generation networking would be a wonder to behold.
In my opinion, it’s our job as financial stewards to enable them to do the work they came to do.
Not recklessly on either of our parts. But with faith that the spiritually mature are among us and want to take the reins.
They have what one person described as “fervor,” drive, acceleration. They’re action-oriented, get-it-done folks. They don’t spend the time we do talking about it.
All they lack is the wherewithal. I think our job is to match the wherewithal with the young leaders.
Someday this ocean we’re all in – spiritual-sea creatures as we all are – will be an Ocean of Love. A state of consciousness, not a real ocean. That’s what Ascension is – ending up permanently in the Ocean of Sacred Love, our hearts opened and Love flowing in and out, effortlessly, forever.
Our fate is to sink deeper and deeper into Love until we’re finally consumed by it. Taste it once and this’ll show up like the best possible news.
It’s the warmest, most buoyant hot springs you’ll ever slide into. And it just happens to be our destination. So reads the travel poster.
Looking back, we’ll see what we’re doing now as taking the first, hesitant steps. The slithery little sea creatures arrived on dry land and are taking their first breaths. They’re at this moment transitional 3rd/5th Dimensional amphibians.
Everything is new. No one knows what to do next. We receive impressions from HQ via these new capabilities we’re coming into. Beyond that, all we can do is venture forth and record our impressions. We really are the newest wave of explorers.