So that no one misses it:
“It is highly unlikely that any of the delays of the past are still possible. In effect, we expect this process to shortly begin delivery to you.” Sheldan Nidle. (1)
There are a few other indications that I’m not permitted to share. I wouldn’t pack my bags yet, but I might want to remember where I put them.
It raises a few questions, whether it happens or not. May we discuss them?
One is don’t expect fireworks and a 200-gun salute when the Reval starts. It seems everyone is trying to be as quiet and discrete as they can. Quietness does not mean inactivity.
Because of potential liability issues, we won’t be posting the 800 #s. But we will tell you when they’ve been posted to Dinar Chronicles at, Bruce’s the Big Call at, or another site. They have insider/intel links that can guide them; we don’t have access to the same sources.
A reminder also that no one here has the financial expertise to guide you in your financial or business decisions. We regret we don’t. We’ll be educating ourselves along the way with you.
I’m sure others will fill that slot, for whom it’s a passion. I think it’s imperative now that we all follow our passion. Doing so liberates our happiness. My passion, my bliss is self-awareness and humanitarian philanthropy (not business). I’ll hire people to manage the financial end.
I anticipate other lightworkers wanting to do the work of listing foundations, rating charities, reporting on initiatives and progress, reporting on country conditions around the world, on and on, as we restore Planet Earth and its population.
But we can do that together too. We don’t have to go off in a thousand directions unless we want to. We signed on to go forward together.
The most difficult task, I think, will be to remain relaxed and balanced. AAM has said repeatedly that there’s no need to rush.
We here will continue as we have been, going forward along the Ascension path. This is a new assignment, perhaps our first as a whole, conscious body of lightworkers, but there will be many more, I’m sure. In ever-expanding circles.
We soon shift from first to second gear, from all the cleansing, considering, and planning to actual organizing, training, and benefitting.
And, as my favorite author once said, Uhhh, this is not the end. Hmmm, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, ahhh, the end of the beginning.
All aboard!
(1) The Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, at, May 9, 2017.