Complimentary Webinar with Christof Melchizedek
Tuesday, May 16
TIME: 12 noon Los Angeles, 3 pm New York, 8 pm London
You are cordially invited to a free presentation that introduces a powerful playbook to help unlock the highest aspects of your consciousness and boldly reclaim your spiritual sovereignty.
THE DIVINE KEYS is a program designed to accelerate your soul mission and purpose through unwavering alignment with your HIGHER SELF and the resultant internal coding.
These sacred keys are a pathway of initiation based on spiritual science teachings that have been data streamed from higher dimensions of consciousness. They are specifically programmed to assist assimilation through your heart’s intelligence and the direct experience.
Divine Keys ~ Webinar Highlights
You will learn and receive…
- What is happening in the universal source field, planetary field and your personal energy field at this time.
- How your consciousness interacts with the Source Intelligence to create and shape your reality.
- How your personal operating system creates and shapes your life experiences.
- How to integrate higher energies into your life and change timeline tracks to create a higher reality.
- Support to move past the current blockages that are currently capping your conscious expansion.
You will also receive an activation and clearing to support and integrate your current shifts!
Presented by Christof Melchizedek
New Earth Architect
Christof serves as a Bio-Genetic Reprogrammer. He accelerates spiritual aspirants by raising their vibration, expanding their consciousness and clearing blockages to assist them to achieve their soul mission and purpose.
Considered a New Earth Architect, he helps to activate and build the multi-dimensional human template. With ability to access source field programming templates, he does this through running energy, vibration, sound, light and mathematical codes through your energy field.
Christof has background degrees in psychology, physical education and Brennan Healing Science, combined with extensive experience in the indigenous healing arts.