Synchronistic Missions by the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Awakening with Suzanne Lie, 4-30-17
I got up early to work, but all I could do was listen to music and meditate. Of course, the Arcturians came in to give me a message. I lost some of the details of the message, but mostly the message was the feeling of Unconditional Love.
To me, the way I know when I am in “living connection” with a higher being is that I can feel the slow flow, or sometimes the sudden “rush,” of Unconditional Love. This morning I awoke in the middle of the night filled with angst. As I write this, I have a feeling that the Arcturians, want to tell me about “Synchronistic Missions.”
Dear Ascending Ones, We, the Arcturians, are joyous to talk with you about the experience of “Synchronistic Missions.” Synchronistic Missions have a strong FEEL of Unconditional Love because only Unconditional Love can create a deep enough merging with your SELF to be assigned to, or choose to, have Synchronistic Missions.
These Synchronistic Missions, which, are very important for Planetary Ascension, and are a major “Key to Ascension” in that they assist you to remember your INNATE ability to feel the opening of a Fifth Dimensional Portal.
Once you can “consciously” feel, see, hear, or sense the opening portal, you can choose to consciously experience it. WE say, “choose,” because all of our Ascending Ones, are increasingly perceiving, opening, and feeling their “CALL to Active Duty.”
Fortunately, many of our brave “Ascension Pioneers” are sharing their experiences with others who are like-minded and of similar states of daily consciousness. There are many who are “like minded,” but they may not share the same frequency rate of consciousness.
Or, they may not share the same Mission. Therefore, it would be difficult to create a “Synchronistic Mission Bond” with these people as their frequencies and intentions are not in alignment with your frequency and intention.
You could easily be very close friends with each other, especially in your third dimensional life. However, a “Synchronistic Mission” has a multidimensional resonance in that you are in deep alignment in the third, fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies of reality.
However, you can have a Synchronistic Mission with someone that you barely know. You can feel that you will know this person as soon as you meet them because the energy field between you feels very strong and, somehow, familiar.
You feel this connection because, even though you may barely know these people in your third dimensional reality, you feel deeply connected to each other in your higher dimensional expressions of SELF.
Hence, when you both open your Minds to the NOW of fifth dimensional, Unconditional Love you will instantly form a portal through which you will feel a merging, as well as a sense of “leaving third/fourth time.”
Together, for as long as your states of consciousness are in alignment, you will both flow through every embodiment, in whatever frequency, in which you have been in alignment in other incarnations. We say “other incarnations” because you will also experience your “future” shared realities.
This journey through the physical, astral and higher planes will assist you, as well as whomever you are sharing this experience, to remember any realities in which you have shared, or will share, your deep bond. (Please remember that time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimension.)
Through your bonding, you are able to identify any incarnations in which the two of you, OR the group of you, have, or will have, rescued and healed Gaia together. This realization, will take you both, or your group, into these shared incarnations to see if there is any fear, anger, sorrow or imbalance that needs to cleared from Gaia’s Aura.
Many “old friends” are meeting up now in unusual and unexpected way. They are meeting via their physical selves, as well as via their astral selves, to assist them both, or all, to remember that they know each other in the fifth dimension.
Many of our volunteers to third/fourth dimensional Earth, forget their fifth dimensional SELF on their orbiting Starship. However, they ALWAYS remember the feeling of Unconditional Love.
Unconditional Love is a constant, flowing energy field in the fifth dimension, and it sometimes enters fourth dimensional dreams or, on a rare occasion, third dimensional reality.
Our volunteers to Earth with “synchronistic missions” may not recognize each other, but they WILL recognize the FEEL of Unconditional Love that is “normal” in the fifth dimensional Starships, and rare on third dimensional Earth.
Therefore, even if our team members do not recognize each other in their “separate” earth vessels, they will recognize their shared feeling of Unconditional Love. Once they both recognize the feel of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love, they will also recognize the fifth dimensional energy field of their NOW.
As, two, or a small group, simultaneously feel the shared energy field of Unconditional Love, they know that also share a “Synchronistic Mission.”
Within that NOW, they realize that they have actually decided together, within their fifth dimensional Self, to find a way to “jolt” their third dimensional expressions of consciousness into allowing the flow of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love to flow into their awareness.
As soon as a physical, ascending one consciously registers this gift of Unconditional Love, they will have a few seconds, or minutes, in which their limited, third dimensional brain/consciousness is transmuted into the fifth dimensional consciousness, via the Flow of Unconditional Love.
Within the flow of that, often unseen, but consciously felt and accepted, Unconditional Love, their High Heart opens widely and their Multidimensional Mind flashes into the fifth dimensional “NOW.”
Within that NOW, which lasts for “a split second” in 3D “time,” they can physically perceive their own fifth dimensional expression of SELF reflected within each other’s auras.
It is within the “split second” of sharing auras that they remember everything about their current Mission. Sometimes, our away team meets to remind them each other of their individual Mission. Sometimes, they discover that they have met with a member of their “Away Team to Earth.”
Occasionally our 3D Ascending Ones are so caught up in the illusions of “time to do…” or “there is no space in my life for …” that they are unable to fully remember their true, Multidimensional SELF, or their Mission.
It is very rare that our Away Team misses, or brushes off, an inter-dimensional NOW of merging their third, fourth dimensional expressions of consciousness with the Unconditional Love of their fifth dimensional SELF.
It is for this reason that we ask you ALL to share a “moment of the NOW of Unconditional Love” with a friend, or loved one. You will find that “fifth dimensional unconditional love” is VERY different from “third dimensional conditional love.”
Do not be concerned if one with whom you have shared Unconditional Love is NOT part of your Mission. However, this person, or animal, may have come to you to comfort and love you as you move into your greater service.
Therefore, whenever you feel an inner message to share a “Synchronistic Moment” of Unconditional Love with another creature, please do so, as many humans can more easily share unconditional love with animals or nature, than with other humans.
Hence, please allow yourself to have a strong enough reaction to this fifth dimensional “stimuli” that you can consciously feel that another grounded one is consciously, or unconsciously, sharing the FEEL of Unconditional Love of their OWN fifth dimensional Lightbody Self.
If even 10% of Earth’s humanity were to live within this fifth dimensional flow of “sharing Unconditional Love,” it would GREATLY accelerate Gaia’s Planetary Ascension.
We leave you NOW with the Flow of Unconditional Love entering your awareness.
Blessings, we, the Arcturians and your Galactic Family, are ALWAYS with you.
Feel our FLOW