How are we to end world hunger?
Archangel Michael discusses how a typical humanitarian lightworker who has participated in the Reval might go about contributing to that goal.
From a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, April 19, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: After the Reval, I’ve gone on holidays, come back, and am ready to get to work. The first thing I say to myself is that we have to relieve hunger around the world. How do I do that, Lord?
Archangel Michael: First of all, you call upon your trusted seven people (1) and you allow them to devise and present the plan. This is not something that is resolved in a day. This is a very massive undertaking, as you know.
And as we have promised you earlier in this conversation, we will not permit financial folly. The opening for financial folly in this undertaking is massive. What we mean by that is drop-lifting resources or food etc. that simply never gets to where it needs to go and where it falls into the wrong hands, shall we say.
Now, let us also say at the same time, that over the course of this project you will have situations where you think, “Well, that went wrong.” Do not judge it because when it is given into what you can think of as the wrong hands, it has a very strategic purpose of converting those people.
Everything we do will be encoded and framed in ways that will be transmuted or transmitted to those who are still in transition.
Your job is not to come up with the global plan for ending hunger.
This is a cooperative venture of enormous scale but it is also engaging, interfacing, cooperating, and working with, those who have similar visions, missions and purpose. But the undertaking has need of a plan of action and implementation. That plan needs to come from your circle (2) because this is the empowerment, the initial setting of the paradigm and the pattern for future operations. It needs to come from them.
It will be fleshed out, grown, changed – it matters not.
Steve: What actions could we take immediately to relieve some of the worst possible cases of hunger in those situations where the warlords in the country won’t simply take the money and run.
AAM: You will immediately get in touch with what we would call viable organizations, either nongovernmental agencies or non-profit agencies or even, yes, United Nations agencies and begin to work in tandem with them so that they have the resources to get the money and the food where it needs to go.
Steve: So they would know what to do. Now the United Nations… I have this thought these days that they’re corrupt.
AAM: That would be a misunderstanding. There are pockets of corruption. There are pockets of self-interest but think about what we are saying.
There are many within what you think of as the front lines of this organization that have committed themselves to making this world a unified, better place to live.
These individuals are not corrupt. These individuals are part of those millions of people that we say are stepping forward. So, you will not be led to the corruption. It will be sliced out of the equation.
Steve: Okay, so if I look at NGOs and say, “well, I’m going to send to Oxfam,” you will tell me in some way if this is not a good thing to do?
AAM: That is correct. Meanwhile, your staff who has done the research and who we are also guiding will come to you and say, there is this branch of Oxfam. It is a bit of a workaround but if we work with the smaller group, this offshoot and we work directly with them in the Sudan, we can ensure that the food gets there. That is the kind of innovation we are talking about.
Steve: Now, poverty… I don’t think I need to worry about poverty because NESARA is going to take care of that, right?
AAM: And not only that, there are many programs that will deal with what has been perceived as poverty such as homelessness, malnutrition. So it is underway.
Steve: Is it correct to say that I probably should look more at conditions then populations like the poor? More like conditions like hunger?
AAM: Yes.
(1) Michael is saying he does not want me to do the work. I have seven people whom he allows to report to me and even they don’t do the work. They assign it to people who do.
(2) Not the entire plan to end world hunger, but the plan of the Michaelangelo Fund’s participation and contribution to that end, has to come, not from me, but from my associates. He’s trying to keep me out of the busy-ness, but he also, I think, wants them to own the plan they’ll be implementing.