As the Peace and Love Project focuses our efforts towards Global Love Day (May 1), transmitting love to the world and meditating on peace, the Divine Mother provides us with a “how to,” to go about building a new world of love in form.
My question to the Mother on An Hour with an Angel was how does one take the love that we feel, that she calls our spiritual currency, and translate it into world peace. She offered this helpful response.
Divine Mother: This is where we get into the business of spiritual currency. When I have said earlier this day that you are just at the tip of the iceberg — I do not say this to demean you; quite the contrary, I say it to encourage you — you are the tip of the iceberg in terms of your power to create.
And you do not need to go to Iraq or Somalia or Papua to bring this about. Now, many of you do this every night with Michael. And you do go to the places not only of war but simply heart-broken places. Many of you are in the slums of Chicago or Calcutta.
Use my gifts. I spoke to you last week of bringing them to your heart and pulling them up. (1)
Now I call upon clarity. Call upon charity and send it. It is part of love. Call upon grace and send it.
Do not engage in the drama. Simply know, it is as if you have one of those Jedi swords and you are inserting with laser light into the situation and cutting through the illusion, and, as you are cutting through it, you are inserting the love.
Every day, you have people who say, “I woke up this morning and I feel different. I don’t know why.” But we do, and you do.
Know that you do not do this [work] alone. You do it in concert with all the mighty ones, with the masters, with your star brothers and sisters, who are very active in this peace movement, more active than you can possibly imagine.
And, dear heart, my Tsunami is not merely for those who acknowledge me. It is for every human being, every grain of sand, every atom of water.
Now, the kingdoms are taken care of. They are there. You go etherically. You can be in many places at once.
Send yourself and your love and bring the peace, knowing that when you go you are already in sacred union with us, and sacred union with the recalcitrant, the reluctant, the aberrant.
You are going to love them into submission. And if they never know your name or from whence you came, it matters not, because you have gone into the fray, and you are doing my bidding. And your service is not unrecognized.
It is so deeply appreciated. And yes, sweet angels, rewarded.
Love grows. Love is contagious. It can destroy those who would wage war. It can destroy AIDS or Ebola. Send it. And send it in my name.
Go with my love and go in peace, sweet angels. Call me, because I am calling you. (The Divine Mother: My Desire is that Every Being on the Planet Falls in Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sep. 26, 2014, at\
(1) I often have described this process – of calling up love or bliss from the heart and then sending it out to the world. Here the Mother appears to refer to it.