I resolved to write about peace and within five minutes I was in a state of deep peace.
I surprised myself.
This is the windless place in which the flame of a candle does not flicker.
There are no vrittis or waves in the mind here, no desires.
Complete stillness of mind.
There’s no history and no future here.
Nothing worldly stirs – no cares or concerns.
This state feels as solid as granite. There’s no more water to be squeezed from the sponge, nothing more to complete.
For however long this experience lasts, I’m totally complete though I haven’t taken an action to be so, totally at rest though I’m not lying down.
This for me is peace and it’s not an experience that we generally have. But it is an experience we’ll have in the future. This is just the trailer, the preview.
Just a warm-up for the main performance.